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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Proverbs 20:7

The Legacy of a Godly Father
Jim Perdue
Proverbs 20:7


Happy Father's Day! We LOVE our dads here and thank God for them! It's weird sometimes but it seems to me that Mother's Day is so big, but Father's Day is so small. This seems to be true in the church as well. And while, in no way, do I want to diminish Mother's Day, I also want Father's Day to be an important day in the life of our church.

If you ask mom what she wants for Mothers Day, she wants the family to come to church with her. If you ask dad what he wants, he wants to spend some time on the lake, the golf course, or at the ballgame. I want that to change!

I want to give dads an excuse to want to come to church on Father's Day. I want our church to be a place where men can feel accepted, challenged, encouraged and loved. I want you to know that God loves you just the way you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way!

Before we begin, I want to offer a few general thoughts about Father's Day:

Some thoughts about Father's Day:

Being a parent is the most difficult job in the world

I know this isn't specific to Father's Day, but I'm learning that being a dad is a huge job! You have these little things called children and you are completely responsible for their well-being; physical, emotional, mental, psychological, social and most of all, spiritual!

Almost any man can father a child, but it takes a real man to be a dad

I know some men who have no children of their own but they are more of a father then others who have many children. Being a dad is not about genetics as much as it is about relationships.

The presence of a father in the home is vastly important to the development and future of the child

Don't get me wrong, single moms! I love you, God loves you and there is hope for you and your family! Thank God for the church; we're here to help, love and encourage. But statistics show that a father is vital to the development of childre ...

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