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by Jim Perdue

Scripture: Malachi 2:10-17
This content is part of a series.

Evidence of an Unfaithful Heart (5 of 10)
Series: Going through the Motions
Jim Perdue
Malachi 2:10-17


This is our fifth message in a series on Wednesday nights as we study through the Old Testament prophecy of Malachi. Malachi is the last book in the OT and the last of the prophets. Last, but not least, of course! There are all sorts of truths we need to learn. Here, we see God's people Going Through the Motions. And as we've seen, we have a tendency to do the same thing!

Tonight, we finish chapter 2. We're in Malachi 2:10-17 and we think about this subject, Evidence of an Unfaithful Heart. READ TEXT

*From London comes this report: Two women were talking at a fashionable London restaurant about their husbands. They showed each other photographs…and realized they were married to the same man. Today the man, hotel night porter John Jones, 47, is in prison for five years. He was married before he met either of the two women.*

Yikes! How in the world could this guy keep up with more than one wife? I can't keep up with the one I have! Not to mention more than one mother-in-law. How do you survive that? And what one word would you use to describe someone like that? Unfaithful. That's right. How could you even call this man a husband? He is completely and totally unfaithful.

Unfaithfulness, or faithlessness is the main theme of this passage; the word ''faithless'' appears five times in 2:10-16. ''Why then are we faithless to one another? Is the searching question that begins the passage. However, this section also makes it clear that being faithless to others entails being faithless to God.

But here, we see God's people consistently being unfaithful. It's one of the things we seem to do well. We are faithful and being unfaithful. You can count on the fact that we just can't be counted on. You can trust that we're really just not trustworthy.

God is faithful to His people, and calls His people to be faithful to Him. But peo ...

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