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by Jason Dees

Scripture: Acts 6:1-7
This content is part of a series.

Authority in the Church (2 of 4)
Series: By Design: Living out God's Order
Jason Dees
Acts 6:1-7

Offices of the Church
Apostle - Must have been commission by Jesus
Elder/ Pastor
Qualifications for Leadership
1 Timothy 3:1-7
Leadership in the Church

So if you were here last week we began a series called ''By Design'' which is really, the whole series an exposition of one verse Ephesians 5:21.
So if you are a Christian, if you have trusted in Jesus as Savior and Lord, then you are a part of the people of God, or the church, and the Bible tells us that Jesus gives his church this incredible gift called the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is God, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity that comes to dwell with the heart of a Christian, changing that person, conforming that person into the image of Christ…
So in Ephesians 5 Paul tells the church to be filled with the Holy Spirit and when you are filled with the Holy Spirit there are necessary changes in your life, your life is necessarily different… And as we said a few weeks ago one of those changes is that you will sing and make melody to the Lord, one of those changes is that you will be grateful always no matter what is going on in your life…
But a third evidence of a Spirit filled life and really what we are going to be thinking about for the next several weeks is Ephesians 5:21
21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Christians recognize that God is a God of order, that there are certain rhythms and patterns that God has put in place and the better we understand these the better we will live and the more our lives will reflect the glory of God.
And part of understanding the order of God is understanding the authority structure that God has put in place in society, in the workplace, in the home, and also in the church.
So if you were here last week we talked the Authority of the Church, so where does the church get its authority from… And as we said ...

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