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RSVP (2 OF 3)

by Jeff Strite

Scripture: Luke 14:1-25
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RSVP (2 of 3)
Series: The Mustard Seed Project
Jeff Strite
Luke 14:1-25

OPEN: A teacher at a privately run church school wanted to point out to her children how they should behave when they were at church. So she started out by asking the children what kind of rules that their parents might give before taking them to a nice restaurant.
One second-grader excitedly said: ''Don't play with your food.''
A young girl raised her hand: ''Don't be loud''.
And so it was that each child gave a their answers to the teacher… except one little boy was quietly sitting in the corner and the teacher wanted to include him in the discussion: ''And what rule do your parents give you before you go out to eat?'' she asked.
Without batting an eye, the child replied, ''Order something cheap.''

APPLY: Jesus has gone out to eat. He's been invited to the home of a very prominent Pharisee and it appears that He's not the only one to have been invited. In fact I suspect that this meal had been planned for some time - there were many people present.

In those days, it was not uncommon for a man of prominence to have a large gathering in his home. Invitations would be sent out requesting an RSVP (seeking a reply - ''are you coming?'') Based on the # of replies that were received, the host knew how much food to have prepared, how much refreshment he needed to have on hand, how many tables to set up, and so on.

Luke doesn't tell us, but it appears that Jesus may have been the guest of honor at this meal. And it also seems that many of the community's best and brightest had come just to see this new teacher.

One might think that by attending this banquet, Jesus was taking a break from hectic schedule of teaching and preaching. BUT of course, it would be a mistake to think that. Jesus didn't have the leisure of taking a break. As Jesus told His disciples in John 9:4 ''I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.''
Jesus ha ...

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