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by John Barnett

Scripture: Acts 19:19-20, Ephesians 4:27

Don’t Give Place to the Devil
John Barnett
Acts 19:19-20, Ephesians 4:27

As we open to Acts 19:19-20, we meet a group of people convinced that any contact with demonic materials is deadly and to be avoided at all costs.

In the last hundred years we have made great strides towards understanding how dangerous germs and viruses really are. We know that even the smallest breach of our protective layer of skin can become the invasion point for deadly armies of microbes; and those germs once inside the defensive walls, can multiply into million in a matter of a few hours, overwhelming our bodies with toxins and disease.

Because of that awareness, if you were walking down an alley behind the Mall and you spotted a used syringe with a razor sharp needle filthy and stained with blood, wouldn’t you be alarmed if your small child walking beside you picked it up and began poking their arm with that needle? Wouldn’t any of us stop everything and keep them from such a dangerous action? Of course we would.

We respond to these situations because we are all convinced of the devastating effects those pathogens can have if they get into our bodies. Deadly disease producing germs (as in viruses and bacteria) are what we would fear that needle might get into our child’s body--sickening them or even endangering their life.

This week I read an online bulletin from the renowned Mayo Clinic. These words reminded me of our Spiritual Warfare study we are walking through these past few weeks.

We Live in a
World of Germs

... Some keep you healthy — others make you sick. Protect yourself by understanding which ones are harmless and which ones pose a threat.

Germs were behind every fever, runny nose, ache, pain and other sign and symptom of every cold and flu you've ever had. When you're in the midst of such symptoms, you might not stop to think about the germs (microbes) that are causing them. Not all germs will harm you, but knowing more about germs — including bacte ...

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