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The Tragedy of a Misdirected Life
James 4:1-3
Dr. Jerry Vines

These three verse and the next three verses (the next six
verses) really tie together. Today we are going to study about the
tragedy of a misdirected life. Next week we will take up the next three
verses and talk about the tragedy of a worldly life. I want to just
point out the fact in verse 1 that James is talking specifically to
believers. Notice he uses the statement, among you. He is talking to
you and to me. We are being warned about the tragedy of a misdirected
life - the tragedy of a worldly life.
I want to talk to you about the direction of your life. If you
will tell me what the direction of your life is I will be able to tell
you what the destiny of your life is going to be. The Lord Jesus had
something to say about this particular subject in the sermon on the
mount. When our Lord comes to the conclusion of that sermon he says
that there are two roads upon which a person can travel - there are two
paths of life. There is a wide road that leads to destruction and there
is a narrow road which leads to life everlasting. So, Jesus gives a
closing appeal and very honestly and forthrightly He tells us that there
are two directions of life and those two directions involve two definite
destinies. Directions always determines destiny.
There are only two basic ways that a person can live life. You
can have only one of two purposes in all of your life. You can live
your life to please the Lord or you can live your life to please
yourself. That's really the only two choices you have. You can live to
please yourself or you can live to please the Lord.
In the Westminister catechism it says, "The chief end of man is
to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever." But the catechism of
pleasure rewords it like this: "The chief end of man is to glorify
himself and to enjoy himself forever." Everybody in this room today is
living your life in one of those two directions. You are ei ...

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