by Jerry Vines
Scripture: ACTS 15:22-35, EPHESIANS 2:8-9, I TIMOTHY 4:7, I TIMOTHY 5:24-26, PHILIPPIANS 1:6, PHILIPPIANS 2:12
Acts 15:22-35
Dr. Vines November 23, 1986
The decision of the Jerusalem Council was monumental. They had arrived
at the conclusion led by the Spirit that salvation was by grace and not by
works. They came to understand and so declared that we are saved not because
of what we do, but because of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. This
was a tremendous decision. The whole future of the Christian faith was in the
balance when they gathered together and deliberated the terms of a man's
salvation. We are saved by the sheer grace of God, plus nothing and minus
nothing. Now, as a follow-up to this they agree that they would write a letter
to the believers in Gentile areas and would give them certain things that
followed as natural follow-ups to the salvation experience. In the letter
which they addressed, you will notice down in verse 28, that it mentions these
necessary things. The believers in Jerusalem wrote to the believers in Gentile
lands and said to them, we will lay no other burden on you except these
necessary things. That's not a contradiction to what they had just decided.
They are not saying that these things are necessary to salvation. They have
already decided that salvation is by the grace of God. Now, they are saying to
these young Christians there are some necessary things. There are some
requirements of salvation not in order to be saved, but things that follow
after the salvation experience. When you come to the Lord, after you are
saved, then what you believe ought to have an effect on how you behave. Your
creed ought to change your character. In Ephesians 2:8, 9, & 10 it says this:
"For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is
the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. For we are His
workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that they who have
believed in Him should follow in them. He is saying that we are not saved by
good works, but we a ...
Acts 15:22-35
Dr. Vines November 23, 1986
The decision of the Jerusalem Council was monumental. They had arrived
at the conclusion led by the Spirit that salvation was by grace and not by
works. They came to understand and so declared that we are saved not because
of what we do, but because of what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. This
was a tremendous decision. The whole future of the Christian faith was in the
balance when they gathered together and deliberated the terms of a man's
salvation. We are saved by the sheer grace of God, plus nothing and minus
nothing. Now, as a follow-up to this they agree that they would write a letter
to the believers in Gentile areas and would give them certain things that
followed as natural follow-ups to the salvation experience. In the letter
which they addressed, you will notice down in verse 28, that it mentions these
necessary things. The believers in Jerusalem wrote to the believers in Gentile
lands and said to them, we will lay no other burden on you except these
necessary things. That's not a contradiction to what they had just decided.
They are not saying that these things are necessary to salvation. They have
already decided that salvation is by the grace of God. Now, they are saying to
these young Christians there are some necessary things. There are some
requirements of salvation not in order to be saved, but things that follow
after the salvation experience. When you come to the Lord, after you are
saved, then what you believe ought to have an effect on how you behave. Your
creed ought to change your character. In Ephesians 2:8, 9, & 10 it says this:
"For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is
the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. For we are His
workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works that they who have
believed in Him should follow in them. He is saying that we are not saved by
good works, but we a ...
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