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by Jason Dees

Scripture: Genesis 1, Jeremiah 17, I Corinthians 6
This content is part of a series.

What is Gender Confusion? (1 of 2)
Series: Q and A
Jason Dees
Jeremiah 17: 5-8

Why are people pursuing Gender Change
Jesus has a definition of marriage.
Who defines me?
Jeremiah 17:9-10 - The heart is deceptive
1 Cor 6 - Do not be deceived

I was listening to a podcast this week about the book Don Quixote, of course Don Quixote is one of the best selling books of all time, it has been translated into many, many different languages and since its publication in 1605 it has rarely been out of print. So literary scholar Bruce Burningham was commenting on the book and said that Don Quixote was so popular because it was kind of creating a new literary genre, Don Quixote, published in 1605 was the first Reality entertainment, fiction that interacted with reality or reality that interacted with fiction, To the point where it was difficult to tell what was real and what was fiction. And Burningham basically said that Don Quixote, and this kind of genre was such a hit in its own time because it was a time of intellectual confusion. After all this was 1605 people were coming out of the renaissance, they were coming out of the dark ages, and people just didn’t know what to believe, they didn’t know what was real any more, or things that they had always believed had been shaken and because of that they were drawn to this new kind of entertainment. And he went on to say that the reason that things like Reality TV, or even opinion based cable news, or even things like professional wrestling that kind of teeters between fiction and reality, the reason these things are so popular now is that we are in the same kind of intellectual crisis, and people just don’t know what to believe. Things that used to seemed to be beyond question are now up for debate. Things that used to be seen as good are now seen as evil, and things that used to be seen as clearly wrong are now celebrated…
It is an intellectual crisis, and people are either scratching their heads, ...

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