A Plan and a Pardon
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 50:1–21
Theme: “God had a divine plan for Israel”
If we only read the first few chapters pertaining to the life of Joseph we might hastily conclude that his life looked to be so full of promise; yet ended up as a miserable wreck. It begins with such promise, his father’s affection, his favored attire, and his future acclaim. The bottom feel out from under him, in all of this Joseph never wavered.
The brothers of Joseph sold him as a simple slave; and Potiphar’s wife slandered him as a shameful sinner. Joseph became friends with the Kings’ former cupbearer, who in turn was released from prison and forgot about Joseph; and he languished in that prison for two long years. In reading all of this Joseph never wavered, we never see him waffling on his love for God, why was this? How could this be?
Joseph somehow saw that there was a bigger plan. The scriptures never tell us that God told him this, but somewhere along the way God must have made it clearly aware to Joseph that all of this was meant for evil, but God would make it good. It is times like this when we have to just sit back and trust God. Joseph had enough faith and fortitude to allow God to use him in his divine plan.
I – The Dreadful Path (1 – 13)
In verses 1 – 13 we find that the boys of Jacob are going to honor him with a decent burial. In looking at the first few verses of Chapter 50 we find some interesting observations. In verse 1 we see the mourner and in verse 2 we see the method used for Jacob’s burial. In verse 3 we see the magnitude of this funeral. This would have been a sight to behold as the nation of Egypt mourned for the Patriarch of Israel. In verses 4 – 6 we see the meeting of Joseph with Pharaoh to properly deliver his father to his proper burial site. In verses 7 – 13 we see the moving of Jacob’s body.
A) Strict Orders
1 – The First Request (Genesis 47: 28 – 31)
Gen 47:28 KJV - And Jacob lived in the ...
Donald Cantrell
Genesis 50:1–21
Theme: “God had a divine plan for Israel”
If we only read the first few chapters pertaining to the life of Joseph we might hastily conclude that his life looked to be so full of promise; yet ended up as a miserable wreck. It begins with such promise, his father’s affection, his favored attire, and his future acclaim. The bottom feel out from under him, in all of this Joseph never wavered.
The brothers of Joseph sold him as a simple slave; and Potiphar’s wife slandered him as a shameful sinner. Joseph became friends with the Kings’ former cupbearer, who in turn was released from prison and forgot about Joseph; and he languished in that prison for two long years. In reading all of this Joseph never wavered, we never see him waffling on his love for God, why was this? How could this be?
Joseph somehow saw that there was a bigger plan. The scriptures never tell us that God told him this, but somewhere along the way God must have made it clearly aware to Joseph that all of this was meant for evil, but God would make it good. It is times like this when we have to just sit back and trust God. Joseph had enough faith and fortitude to allow God to use him in his divine plan.
I – The Dreadful Path (1 – 13)
In verses 1 – 13 we find that the boys of Jacob are going to honor him with a decent burial. In looking at the first few verses of Chapter 50 we find some interesting observations. In verse 1 we see the mourner and in verse 2 we see the method used for Jacob’s burial. In verse 3 we see the magnitude of this funeral. This would have been a sight to behold as the nation of Egypt mourned for the Patriarch of Israel. In verses 4 – 6 we see the meeting of Joseph with Pharaoh to properly deliver his father to his proper burial site. In verses 7 – 13 we see the moving of Jacob’s body.
A) Strict Orders
1 – The First Request (Genesis 47: 28 – 31)
Gen 47:28 KJV - And Jacob lived in the ...
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