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by Dennis Marquardt

Scripture: Exodus 14:13-31

God Gets the Final Word - Always!
Dennis Marquardt
Exodus 14:13-31

INTRO: Israel discovered that after 400 years in Egypt the culture had shifted from Joseph’s days of a strong spiritual influence on a nation to a nation whose new Pharaohs ‘‘knew not Joseph.’’ As the culture around them changed dramatically, they settled in to survival mode … which made them slaves!

In this new culture we discovered they were living in a nation that was deeply religious, but not godly; that embraced many gods … except of course the God of Israel; and Israel was more and more hated by the Egyptians, and thus the Egyptians were abusing them.

Israel in this condition had learned to simply cry … and survive. They cried out to God but were afraid of change at the same time. And frozen in their fear nothing changes until God sends them new leadership that encourages them to trust God and stand up to the culture! Enter Moses and Aaron … and for a while things only got worse when they encouraged Israel to move from slavery and crying to freedom and confidence in God.

We are living at similar cross-roads today! And we will need leadership that can not only help the church to confront our post-Christian culture, but challenge God’s people to be brave enough to trust God to do something about it besides complain or cry over the post-Christian culture we find ourselves in.

PROP. SENT: We are living in dramatically shifting and challenging times, especially as Christian living in a post-Christian culture. However, God tells us to remain steady, trust His Word and obey it, and don’t get discouraged when positive results don’t immediately show … He always gets the last word, ALWAYS!


A. Fear! Ex. 14:13a

1. ‘‘Do not be afraid…’’ All Israel saw was the power of Egypt!
a. They had become so used to being slaves that they couldn’t think of themselves as freedom fighters!
b. Egypt’s culture had so controlled their lives that they ...

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