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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: ACTS 2:37-47, JOHN 16:8, LUKE 13:3, PROVERBS 1:24, ROMANS 3:23

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Acts 2:37-47
Dr. Vines 2/23/86
A great church is not built in one service. It takes a great deal more
than one sensational spectacular service to build a great church. All of us,
when we think about the early church, immediately think about the great day of
Pentecost. On that day Simon Peter preached the gospel, three thousand people
came to know Jesus as their Savior. It was a tremendous day. It was a
magnificent day. It was a miraculous day, but you do not build a church on one
single service. The things we find recorded for us in the closing verses of
this chapter give to us the secret, indeed, of building a great church.
Pentecost was a wonderful experience. It is the New Testament norm of the kind
of power and soul-saving activity God wants to take place in our public
services. But the church of the Lord Jesus, in Jerusalem, was not built merely
by that one service. Church historians have estimated that within seven years
after the day of Pentecost, over one hundred thousand people - half the
population of Jerusalem - had come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. What
took place on Pentecost was the beginning of that, but it was not the secret
that caused Jerusalem believers to spread out into that city and win half the
population to the Lord. The verses I have given to you tonight take us behind
the scenes and show us the dynamics of a church that can reach its city for
the Lord Jesus Christ. No church is a great church that is not obeying the
command of our Lord. No church is a great church that is not consistently
winning people to the Lord Jesus Christ. There is not greatness in a church
that is not taking seriously the command of the Lord to go into the highways
and hedges and compel men to come to know Jesus as their Savior.
So, I want to share with you, from these verses, the secrets of a great
church. There are several secrets in these verse which are essential to build
a ...

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