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by Stephen Whitney

Scripture: Matthew 1:18-25
This content is part of a series.

Joseph - Man of Integrity (2 of 5)
Series: Advent
Stephen Whitney
Matthew 1:18-25

Kasey Schmidt always dreamed of being married in a little old white country church. Growing up on a farm around Waterville, Washington she didn’t have to look hard to find one. As a child playing on a rope swing she would look across the field and see the picture perfect postcard of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. It’s stately steeple stretched to the sky and its twelve arched stained glass windows reflected the light and the 85-year-old church was beautiful white.

When Kasey and Korey got engaged she contacted the owner of the church, who was storing household goods in it, to see if she would be able to get married in it. He agreed and moved the goods out. Kasey, her mother and friends spent several days cleaning the historic church for the ceremony. Kasey’s dream came true as she and Korey were the first couple to be married in the church in the last 32 years.

When people get married they are usually fulfilling their dream. As they plan their wedding they put their hopes and dreams into reality so their wedding is something they can look back on with fond and special memories. Weddings are supposed to be a time of happiness and joy not confusion and uncertainty because it is one of the greatest times in a person’s life.

When Joseph was about to marry Mary he discovered she was pregnant he was faced with a difficult decision. Should he marry her even though he was not the father or should he break off their relationship because she was pregnant?

There are times when we don’t understand why things happen to us and life doesn’t make sense to us, but we have to trust God.

Ps. 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Puritan John Trapp said, ‘‘It is the nature of faith to believe God upon his bare word . . . It will not be sense; it cannot be reason.’’

Jewish Wedding
In a Jewish wedding there were usually three steps which occurred before t ...

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