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I Corinthians 12:28-31
Dr. Jerry Vines
With the beginning of I Corinthians 12 we have introduced to us
the subject of spiritual gifts. We've been spending several weeks now
looking in particular at what God says in these verses about the whole
area of God's grace gifts to men. The Bible teaches several basic facts
about spiritual gifts. One thing the Bible teaches is that every
believer has one or more spiritual gifts. Another thing the Bible
teaches is that spiritual gifts are intended to be used by believers to
build up the body of Christ, the edify God's people. Spiritual gifts
are not to be used for our own selfish purposes. They are not toys to
play with. Neither are they tanks to battle with, but they are tools to
build with. All believers have one or more spiritual gifts and those
gifts are to be used to build up the body of Christ.
Another thing the Bible teaches is that no believer has all of
the spiritual gifts. We find this in verse 30 in this chapter and also
in verse 29. He makes it very clear that there are some gifts that were
current in the New Testament day that all believers at that time did not
have. When you study the different lists of spiritual gifts that are
given in the New Testament you will also find some fascinating things.
For instance, you will find that none of the lists of spiritual gifts is
exhaustive. I mean by that that no where do you find these all listed
in the same place. Every one of those lists is a little bit different.
I think the most fascinating thing I have found when I look at the
different lists of spiritual gifts is that when you put them in
chronological order the number of the lists diminishes. For instance, I
Corinthians was evidently written first. When you look at that chapter
I Corinthians 12 he mentions nine of the gifts in one place and eight in
the next place. The next book is the book of Romans. When you look at
the list there you will find that seven spiritua ...

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