by Jerry Vines
Scripture: ECCLESIASTES 10:1-20, I JOHN 5:7, I THESSALONIANS 2:19, PHILIPPIANS 4:1-3, ROMANS 12:18
A Fly In The Ointment
Dr. Jerry Vines
Philippians 4:1-3
I have often said that a person ought to be happy in three very important areas of his life. You ought to be happy in your family. If you are not happy at home then you have problems everywhere. Number two, you ought to be happy in your job. You ought to be reasonably assured that this is the job you ought to have and you are happy and able to work comfortably in that job. The third place where you ought to be happy is in your church. I think every person is entitled to have a church experience which is a happy experience. If you are unhappy in one of these three areas then it's going to affect and influence all the other areas of your life. So, a person ought to be happy in his family, he ought to be happy in his job, he ought to be happy in his church. When you study Paul and he writes to the various churches of the New Testament, you will find that Paul was very happy with the church at Philippi. You will notice as we have moved through this book that Paul talks about that church in the fondest terms of joy and happiness. There is a pleasantness about his relationship. In fact, he said back in the first chapter that every time he thought about them it brought joy to his heart. It was a joy for him to pray for them. So, Paul was evidently very happy in his relationship with the church at Philippi. I don't know about you, but I'm very happy in my church relationship. I love my church and I love the fellowship of my church. It is not a drudgery for me to come to the services of our church because I am very, very happy in our fellowship here. There was kind of a fragrance about the church at Philippi. Jesus, in John 12, had gone into a home at Bethany and the Bible says that Mary had taken a box of perfume, cracked it open and poured it on the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says tht the odor of that ointment filled the ho use. There was a fragrance about that church. A pleasantness -- something ...
Dr. Jerry Vines
Philippians 4:1-3
I have often said that a person ought to be happy in three very important areas of his life. You ought to be happy in your family. If you are not happy at home then you have problems everywhere. Number two, you ought to be happy in your job. You ought to be reasonably assured that this is the job you ought to have and you are happy and able to work comfortably in that job. The third place where you ought to be happy is in your church. I think every person is entitled to have a church experience which is a happy experience. If you are unhappy in one of these three areas then it's going to affect and influence all the other areas of your life. So, a person ought to be happy in his family, he ought to be happy in his job, he ought to be happy in his church. When you study Paul and he writes to the various churches of the New Testament, you will find that Paul was very happy with the church at Philippi. You will notice as we have moved through this book that Paul talks about that church in the fondest terms of joy and happiness. There is a pleasantness about his relationship. In fact, he said back in the first chapter that every time he thought about them it brought joy to his heart. It was a joy for him to pray for them. So, Paul was evidently very happy in his relationship with the church at Philippi. I don't know about you, but I'm very happy in my church relationship. I love my church and I love the fellowship of my church. It is not a drudgery for me to come to the services of our church because I am very, very happy in our fellowship here. There was kind of a fragrance about the church at Philippi. Jesus, in John 12, had gone into a home at Bethany and the Bible says that Mary had taken a box of perfume, cracked it open and poured it on the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says tht the odor of that ointment filled the ho use. There was a fragrance about that church. A pleasantness -- something ...
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