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by Eddie Snipes

Scripture: Genesis 15:17-18
This content is part of a series.

The Fruit of Grace (9 of 9)
Series: Stop Trying to Fix Yourself
Eddie Snipes
Genesis 15:17-18

It's time to let go of the false image of an angry God. You are under the New Covenant of grace. It is a covenant, not a condition. A covenant is a binding agreement. God has put Himself under His own oath, which was guaranteed with the blood of Christ. That covenant can't be broken, for it is not dependent upon you. You are not the guarantor of God's covenant.

In Genesis 15, God made a binding covenant with the descendants of Abraham. This became the nation of Israel. It began when Abraham presented his need to God. His wife was barren, past child bearing years, and incapable of providing a son to become an inheritor of what Abraham possessed.

As God promised the land to Abraham, the promise meant little without an heir. To affirm God's word to Abraham, the Lord instructed him to prepare a covenant sacrifice.

In that era, when two people entered a binding contract, they would sacrifice an animal, usually a cow or ram. The animal would be divided in two and laid on each side. The two parties would swear an oath to each other, and walk through the divided animal. The oath was confirmed with each person putting their life up as a guarantee to their part of the covenant. It was a promise, ''If I break my part of the covenant, the same will be done to me as was done to this animal.''

God commanded Abraham to prepare the sacrifice so the Lord could swear a covenant that Abraham would have a son. His son and his descendants after him would be perpetual heirs of God's promises and this land. Abraham prepared the sacrifice, but something unusual happened. God put Abraham into a deep sleep. God allowed Abraham to see the oath of the covenant through a vision, but he was not permitted to walk through the pieces. Look at Genesis 15:17-18

17 And it came to pass, when the sun went down and it was dark, that behold, there appeared a smoking oven and a burning t ...

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