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by Eddie Snipes

Scripture: Romans 4:4-5
This content is part of a series.

What is Grace (1 of 10)
Series: Revelation of Grace
Eddie Snipes
Romans 4:4-5

Before we get into the heart of the goal of this series - to grow in grace - it is first necessary to understand what grace is and why it is important. In this modern church era, grace has become one of the most misunderstood teachings of the Bible. People fear what they do not understand. It's not uncommon for misinformed criticism to be leveled against grace by both preachers and church members. Most criticism is based on a lack of understanding of what the Bible is teaching on grace.

On top of the fear of grace teaching there is the problem of under-defining grace. The church tends to water down God's grace to a state where it is only one of the resources we use to help us do things for either ourselves or God. I also once thought of grace as a pillar in my theological framework. It was not until I learned that grace is the foundation everything is built upon that I began to understand this amazing Christian life.

Grace strips the flesh of all its glory as it reveals this one basic truth - everything is by God, for God, and to glorify God. Grace invites man into God's fellowship of agape love where we discover that grace is to the benefit of man, glory of God, and nothing is lacking. Grace teaches that we have already been given all things through Christ, God has already satisfied the law's demand for justice, and we are purified so we can stand before God unblemished, uncorrupted, and uncondemned. Until a Christian understands grace, they are torn by a conflicting religious system where God requires faith but the flesh requires self-glory through human performance.

Grace eliminates everything except the glory of God's love for us. Religion says, ''You must do more for God.'' The law says, ''You can never do enough to measure up to God.'' Grace says, ''Religion and law have become obsolete. Christ has accomplished all things and God merits us with the work of Christ wh ...

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