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by Jerry Vines

Scripture: MARK 13:1-37

Blueprint for the End
MARK 13:1-37

There seems to have always been, on the part of man, a keen interest in the
future. Dwight D. Eisenhower said one time, "I am greatly interested in the
future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there." It seems,
somehow, God has placed within man an interest in the future and an awareness
that life as we know it is not going to continue indifinitely. Somehow, men
know that there is going to be a time of the end. I think the devil has used
this innate desire on the part of man to know the part of man to know the
future in many detrimental ways. In our days the devil has those who are
trying to tell men what the future is going to bring. So, people turn to
phychics and they make their predictions about the future. And, of course,
there are the horrible scopes that are put in the newspaper which purport to
to tell us what's going to happen to us in the future. In the midst of all of
the satanic imitations and all the satanic attempts to twist people about what
the future is going to bring, we raise the question, "Is it possible for God's
people to know what's going to take place in the future?" Of course, you and I
know the answer to that question. In the Word of God the Scriptures give us
what the end is going to be like and what we can expect to take place in the
days of the future. The Lord Jesus himself has given to us in this chapter a
blueprint for the end. He lays before us in summary fashion the things which
we can expect which will bring to consummation this life as we know it. There
is a context to this chapter which you need to understand. The Lord Jesus has
been in the temple and has been dealing with those who have determined they
are going to put Him to death. The temple represents the ultimate of the
failure of the Jews to really know God in a personal kind of way. The temple
was dedicated to worship him and to love him and to serve. It has now become a
den of robbers and a plac ...

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