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Sermon Illustrations > Church > Significance


Charts of Christian Theology and Doctrine, H. Wayne House, (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publ. House, 1992), p. 117

A significant church is involved in bringing people into right relationship with God and one another and with helping believers develop godly character and ministry skills. A church focused on significance will be fulfilling its primary purpose: equipping believers for service. The components to becoming a significant church are

1. Vision&md;understanding where a church is and where it is going.

2. Spiritual Maturity&md;the development of Christian character in the personal lives of individual church members.

3. Outreach&md;how the church can fulfill its m;ission of reconciliation by serving, showing and telling.

4. Ministry Leadership&md;How you equip individuals to help others follow Christ by acting as mentors, guides, teachers and parents.

5. Small Groups&md;offer community and meeting needs, allowing more people to become actively involved in the life of the church.

6. Life-on-Life Mentoring&md;encouraging persoanl change and application of scriptural truth through one-on-one ministry. from Church Disciple, Spring, 1997, Vol 11, No 1, The Navigators