What Money Means to You
Reprinted by permission of Warner Books, Inc. of New York, New York, U.S.A. From The First Year of Marriage by Miriam Arond and Samuel L. Pauker, M.D., Copyright by Miriam Arond and Samuel Pauker. Quoted in Together Forever, Aid Association for Lutherans, Appleton, WI, 1997, pp. 46-57
What Money Means to You
Rate each of the following statements:
1 = Strongly disagree 1. It is important to me to maintain a lifestyle similar to or better than that of my peers. 2. In making a major purchase, an important consideration is what others will think of my choice. 3. Since money equals power, I am willing to work hard for money in order to have more power. 4. I really enjoy shopping and having nice things. 5. Saving money for a rainy day is an important principle to live by. 6. If I had a moderate amount of money to invest, I would be more likely to put it into multiple resources that are relatively safe than into one fairly risky source that has the potential to make a lot of money. 7. Being "flat broke" is one of the worst things that could happen to me. 8. Saving for retirement is an important financial goal for me. 9. If I suddenly came into a windfall of $1,000 for something I have always wanted to do or have. 10. Since "You can't take it with you," you might as well spend it. 11. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure helps. 12. Few things in life give me greater pleasure than making a great buy. 13. I like/would like having my own business because I can/could control my own financial destiny. 14. I like being able to make decisions about how to spend the money I earn. 15. It bothers me to be dependent on someone else for money. 16. I feel uncomfortable if someone offers to "pick up the tab" because I feel indebted to them. Now, add your scores for the four questions in each category. The higher your score, the stronger you identify with that approach. Category Questions Your Score Your Partner's Score Money as Status 1-4 __________ _________ Money as Security 5-8 __________ _________ Money as Enjoyment 9-12 __________ _________ Money as a Control over Life 13-16 __________ _________ Interpretation of Scores 4-8 = Low Understanding what it means: Now, compare your scores with each other. The closer your scores in each category are, the easier it will be to meet mutual financial goals and needs. The further apart they are, the more negotiating and compromising you'll have to do.
2 = Disagree
3 = Undecided
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree
9-12 = Moderate
13-16 = High
17-20 = Very High