American Men Most Pagan
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GLENDALE, CA (EP) - American men are among the world's "most pagan," according to pollster George Barna. A study reported in The Barna Report, his newsletter, found that the church has little or no influence on many American men.
About one in three American men claims to be a born-again Christian, but only 28 percent attend church on any given weekend. Other forms of religious activity&md;including Bible reading, Sunday school attendance, and giving time or money to a church&md;have all declined among American since 1991.
Barna also found that even men who claim to be Christians often hold unorthodox beliefs that are at odds with biblical Christianity. For instance, 28 percent deny that Jesus was physically raised from the dead, while 27 percent say He committed sins. Surprisingly, 55 percent of self-identified Christian men agreed that all people "experience the same outcome after death, regardless of their way into heaven."
Barna found that less than half of Christian men believe that there are absolute moral truths (47 percent) or that the Bible and religion should be primary influences on moral thinking (40 percent).
To reverse this trend, Barna says churches must provide a male-friendly environment, including opportunities to interact with other men, practical Bible teaching, and real-world solutions to personal problems.