Where Do Children Get Their Sense of Value
Source unknown
Question? Where do your children get their sense of Value? When you give your child a dime for the offering plate and a dollar for cokes, candy, ice cream, etc., you are showing your sense of values to your child. When you insist that your child do his public school homework, but complain if the church sends home some Bible reading and memory work, you are showing your sense of values to your child. When you stay at home to putter around the house instead of going to Sunday School and Church, you are showing your sense of values to your child. When you put sports and pleasure events ahead of your duties and responsibilities to the Church, you are showing your sense of values to your child. When you allow your child to stay up late and watch TV, or stay out late for a sports or pleasure event, and then have no concern in their attending youth meetings at the church, you are showing your sense of values to your child. When you insist that your child go to public school, but not to Sunday School and Church, you are showing your sense of values to your child.