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United States, foundation of
From the tape "Our Godly Heritage" by Wallbuilders, Inc, P. O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008 817-441-6044:
From the tape "Our Godly Heritage" by Wallbuilders, Inc, P. O. Box 397, Aledo, TX 76008 817-441-6044:
- It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! - Patrick Henry
- The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. - John Quincy Adams
- Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest, of a Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers. - John Jay, 1st Chief Justice of Supreme Court, One of the three men most responsible for the Constitution
- Do not let anyone claim the tribute of American patriotism if they ever attempt to remove religion from politics. - George Washington, from his Farewell Address to the Nation
- Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind...It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in the sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian. - Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892, The Court cited 87 precedents.
- The purest principles of morality are to be taught. Where are they found? Whoever searches for them must go to the source from which a Christian man derives his faith&md;the Bible. - Vidal v. Girard's Executors, 1844
- Whatever strikes at the root of Christianity tends manifestly to the dissolution of civil government. - People v. Ruggles, 1811 (2 decades after the 1st Amendment)
- Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. - First Amendment
- By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion and all sects and denominations of Christians are placed upon the same equal footing. - Runkel v. Winemiller, 1796
- The First Amendment has erected a wall of separation between church and state, but that wall is a one directional wall; it keeps the government from running the church, but it makes sure that Christian principles will always stay in government. - Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, January 1, 1802 in an address to the Danbury Baptists
- The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. - John Quincy Adams