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Sermon Illustrations > Substitution > Thank God For a Royal Substitute

Thank God For a Royal Substitute

Our Daily Bread, April 17

After World War 1, 900 German soldiers who had violated international law were summoned to appear before the World Court. Their condemnation was certain. In a dramatic move, however, the former crown prince of Germany volunteered to be their substitute. His offer included taking upon himself both the accusation against them and their penalty. This act, though most noble, was impractical. Although he was royalty, he did not have in his own person the value of the 900.

There is another Prince who took upon Himself the judgment due the entire human race. Unlike that German leader, He is not implicated in any evil. Because of His sinless humanity, He could be "delivered for our offenses." Because of His deity, He could be "raised again for our justification" (Rom. 4:25). He was able to pay in full the ransom demanded by God's holy law, because in Him was the intrinsic worth needed to provide salvation. Yes, the Father laid upon His sinless Son the iniquity of us all.

Our redemption has been purchased by Heaven's Crown Prince. So don't depreciate the cross. Don't underrate Christ's great sacrifice. It will cost you your soul. It will shut you out from God. It will darken your eternity.