Stumbling Blocks or Stepping Stones
Author Unknown
Does God ever use black angels I think He takes the happenings I think He takes each pathway blockage So if something happens to deter us Isn't it strange that princes and kings To each is given a bag of tools,To carry out His plan
Does He reverse old Satan's tactic
To change the lives of men.
Of life&md;amid our moans
And makes to us each thing we meet
Stumbling blocks or stepping stones.
To test our mettle: be it foul or fair
And urges us to fight a good fight
And not as one who beat the air.
Let's not fall down and groan
Let's say - Lord with your help I will go on
And make of this&md;a stepping stone.
And clown that caper in sawdust rings,
And common folk like you and me
Are the builders of eternity.
A lump of clay, a book of rules
And each must make ere time is flown