The Mercy of the Lord
Source unknown
Someone said the Lord is coming Now the garment of my morality Now the garment of personal goodness One by one each was discarded Amazing grace&md;How sweet the sound Gone was black despair and heartacheAnd the time is a surprise.
Now I wanted to be all prepared
To meet Him in the skies.
I heard we must be specially dressed
If to Him we would draw nigh.
But I had all sorts of garments
And my heart with pride beat high.
That would surely get me in.
But when I looked it over
It was soiled and stained with sin.
Now the garment of self sacrifice
That a couldn't help but do
But when I saw how short it fell
It went into discard too.
Would pay any heavenly cost
I couldn't even find that
Somehow it had gotten lost.
In my bright and shining humility
I'd go to be His bride.
My gaze fell upon it
It was tarnished with my pride.
And my heart filled with despair.
I could never go to meet Him
I had nothing fit to wear.
As I wallowed there in gloom
He sent the words and music of a song
And it swelled out through the room.
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now was found
Was blind but now I see.
Thank God my eyes were opened
I gazed up in His face
Why the garment He would have me wear
He'd provided by His grace.
Nevermore I'd walk alone.
Dressed only in His righteousness