Judgments in Scripture
The New Unger's Bible Handbook, Merrill F. Unger, Revised by Gary N. Larson, Moody Press, Chicago, 1984, p. 497.
Judgment - Of Jesus Christ, Jn. 12:31
1. Nature: Bearing the believer's sins, 2. Occasion: Christ lifted up on the cross, world judged, Satan defeated, 3. Result: Death of Christ; justification and security of the believer, 1. Nature: Quality of the believer's life as a servant, 2. Occasion: At the coming of the Lord, 3. Result: Reward for faithful service; loss of reward for unfaithfulness, 1. Nature: The believer's condemnation of himself for permitting his own sinful ways and habits, 2. Occasion: Self-judgment of the believer as a son to avoid chastisement by his heavenly Father, 3. Result: If neglected, the Father's chastening follows, but never condemnation, 1. Nature: Point of testing is the treatment of Christ's 'brothers', i.e., the Jewish remnant of the end time 2. Occasion: At Christ's return in glory to set up the kingdom over Israel, 3. Result: Entrance into or exclusion from the kingdom as individuals in the nations Judgment - Of Israel, Ezk. 20:33-44 1. Nature: Subjects will be living Israelites at the end time regathered from worldwide diaspora 2. Occasion: Similar on the Israelite plane to the judgment of the nation with regard to the Gentiles 3. Result: Entrance or non-entrance into the land for kingdom blessing, 1. Nature: Subjects will be the angels who rebelled with Satan, 2. Occasion: Evidently after the millennium, at the end of history 3. Result: Satan and evil angels relegated to the lake of fire, Gehenna, eternal hell, 1. Nature: Only the wicked dead. Perhaps Satan and fallen angels are finally judged also at this time. 2. Occasion: Basis of judgment is according to works to determine degree of punishment of the lost. 3. Result: Second death or lake of fire &md; not annihilation,