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Sermon Illustrations > Hunted > Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark

Today in the Word, April 24, 1992

Following three years of hazardous duty as a member of the famed Lewis and Clark expedition along the western frontier, John Colter turned to trapping beaver in the Three Forks area of the Missouri River, deep in Blackfoot Indian territory. One day, while inspecting traps by canoe, Colter and a companion were suddenly flanked by Blackfoot warriors. Colter's friend was killed as he tried to escape, but Colter was captured. Stripped of his clothing, including his shoes, the adventurer was led out onto the prairie and then released as several hundred Blackfoot set off in pursuit. What followed was a legendary 11-day overland trek. Traveling day and night, Colter climbed mountains, scurried across fields, and tramped through woods, covering an unbelievable 300 miles as he made his way to safety.