Guarded on All Sides
Source unknown
The Christian is guarded on all sides by the Lord. We have God before us ( An Australian missionary told a thrilling story of the Lord's special care for him as he made a lonely and dangerous journey on foot. He had no problem getting to his destination, but was uneasy on the return trip because he carried with him a large sum of money. A man was waiting at a lonely spot, planning to rob and kill anyone who passed by. The missionary, unaware of this but concerned about the risk of traveling alone, prayed aloud to God for protection as he walked along. Before the bandit saw him, he heard him talking, and immediately he thought there must be two men, so he decided not to attack. Later, he told someone what he had intended to do that day, and the news got around. When the missionary heard it, he realized that God's Spirit had prompted him to pray aloud as he journeyed. His heart rejoiced as he thought of the Lord's wonderful protection from harm.