Thou Remainest
Our Daily Bread, January 20
A strong sense of God's abiding presence is a great comfort to the trusting Christian. We may be deserted by friends and relatives and lose all our earthly possessions, but the Lord is always with us to sustain, strengthen, and provide. The following poem by James Danson Smith underscores this wonderful reality:
When from my life the old-time joys have vanished&md; When streams have dried, those streams of glad refreshing&md; When strength hath failed, and feet, newborn and weary, Thus through life's days, whoe'er or what may fail me, Life is filled with uncertainty. Human relationships often do disappoint us. And tragedy can destroy in a moment all the material securities of life. But if we know Christ as our Savior, we can still say, "Lord, THOU REMAINEST." Yes, He is always there! R.W.D.
Treasures, once mine, I may no longer claim,
This truth may feed my hungry heart, and famished&md;Lord,
THOU REMAINEST! Thou art still the same!
Friendships so blest, so pure, so rich, so free;
When sun-kissed skies give place to clouds depressing&md;
Lord, THOU REMAINEST! Still my heart hath Thee.
On gladsome errands may no longer go,
Why should I sigh, or let the days be dreary?
Lord, THOU REMAINEST! Couldst Thou more bestow?
Friends, friendships, joys, in small or great degree,
Songs may be mine&md;no sadness need assail me,