Whiskey as Medicine
Bibliotheca Sacra 139:553:46
Difficult Passages in the Epistles, R. Stein, Baker, 1988, p. 21
Missionary John G. Paton was invited to dinner with a wealthy friend. Paton noticed that the servant poured a glass of whiskey for his host. Somewhat embarrassed, the man explained, "I take a little whiskey for my cough on my doctor's prescription."
Paton asked "How long have you been doing this?" "Eight years," came the reply.
"Is your cough getting any better?" asked Paton.
"No," answered the man.
"Well," said the missionary, "if I had a doctor who prescribed for me for 8 years and it didn't help me, I would quit taking his prescriptions and get a new doctor."
Roughly one half of all fatal highway accidents--which average between 50,000 and 55,000 year after year--involve alcohol. Each year, alcohol on the highways results in physical injuries to 125,000 people.