Rev. Dennis Marquardt grew up in a loving Christian home in St. Joseph, MI, and was very involved in church life. His grandfather was an Assembly of God minister, and his uncle served as both a pastor and district superintendent for many years. After starting out in college as a pre-med major, he transferred to Central Bible College in Springfield, MO, and earned his bachelor's degree in 1975. He recently earned a Master's degree from Assembly of God Theological Seminary which is a part of Evangel University in Springfield, Mo. He took his first pastorate in Golden Valley, ND, a church his grandfather had planted in 1935. From there, he and his wife, Bevie Jo, moved to Arlington, VA, where he served several years as a youth pastor in a large urban Assembly of God church four miles from the White House. Following this youth pastorate, he and his wife planted a new Assembly of God church in Vergennes, VT, under the Northern New England District Assemblies of God home missions program and served that congregation for 24 years as its senior pastor.
Though Vergennes was a small city of around 2,500 people, Dennis and Bevie Jo joyfully witnessed over their 24 years of ministry in this small city nearly 1,000 people coming to know Christ as their Lord and becoming a part of the church. After three building programs on 10 acres of land in Vergennes and 24 years of service to the congregation, he was elected in May, 2002, to serve as district superintendent of the Northern New England District of the Assemblies of God, which covers the states of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont--approximately 110 churches. He also serves as a General Presbyter on the national body of the Assemblies of God and as a member of the boards of regents for the University of Valley Forge in Phoenixville, PA, and Northpoint Bible College in Haverhill, MA. He serves on several other boards.
Preaching is one of the great joys for Dennis; the thrill of discovery in God's Word never grows old, and especially the nature of sermons done in a series, a practice of his throughout his preaching career. His other hobbies and joys are electronics (computers) and his 2006 Road King Classic Harley Davidson motorcycle, and occasional downhill skiing. He and his wife have two married children, and 5 wonderful grandchildren.