Donald Cantrell is a native of Chatsworth, Georgia. He was saved on October 14th 1979 and began to preach the Gospel in the spring of 1980. He has pastored several churches throughout the years in the North Georgia area. Pastor Cantrell has an earned Doctorate Degree in “Designing Alliterated Expository Sermons”. He is a well known author and speaker due to his skills in designing alliterated sermons. He has authored over 32 books on sermons or preaching and his book on “How to Design Alliterated Sermons” is popular with many preachers desiring to learn the art of alliteration.
Pastor Cantrell has a heart for helping other pastors and understands the rigors of those that are bi-vocational pastors. Cantrell’s material is alliterated and written with a few things in mind, his sermons are true to the scripture, expository, practical, and very preachable.
Cantrell is currently writing a series of commentaries “Sensational Sermon Snapshots” that offer simple alliterated sermon outlines on every book in the New Testament. He has completed Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts; and just completed Revelation and Daniel. He has just written a book with 50 alliterated sermon outlines for Christmas. He also has a very popular 365 page daily devotional, with 365 mini-sermon devotionals.
Pastor Cantrell has written a series of courses for those that want to become better at designing alliterated sermons. The courses have been used by pastors and preachers all over the world. He often meets with pastors on a one on one basis to offer mentoring classes on how to design alliterated sermons. If you would like to contact him and discuss his numerous sermon and preaching books, or his alliteration outline courses, he would love to talk with you. All of his books are available online at Lulu Publishers and with Word Search Bible Software and with Logos Bible Software.
Pastor Cantrell would like to hear from you, especially if you are interested in learning the art of alliteration through his mentoring or consultation program. You can reach him at dcantrell2@charter.net or the church website, www.antiochbaptistdalton.com