Preaching is the art of taking timeless words and making them timely to those who listen. The Word of God has the power to change lives, break free those in bondage, and bring hope to the hopeless. The Bible is rich in content. So rich that pastors can feel overwhelmed when trying to pick their sermon topics.
Sermon series or topics are similar from church to church even if there are some small variations in the presentation. This article looks at the 75 most popular sermon topics.
What Are the Most Popular Sermon Topics?
To discover trending or reoccurring topics, research was done in this manner:
- 100 churches from different backgrounds and diverse sizes
- 15 visual creation companies to see what they had branded for church series
The topics were categorized in these 8 sections:
- Bible-based: Book of Job, Gospels, Revelation
- Spiritual: Topics like the Armor of God, the Beatitudes, or the Fruit of the Spirit
- Felt-Needs: Messages on Life Changes, Behaviors, or Habits
- Theology: Salvation, the Cross, the Trinity, and more
- Christian Practices: Relationships, Tithing, or Prayer Life
- Character-based: Messages on the Life of Biblical characters like Joseph, David, or Peter
- Seasonal / Holiday based: Christmas, Easter, Mother’s Day, etc.
What Are the Most Popular Bible-Based Sermon Topics?
These topics are relatively easy to discover as they are directly based on a book in the Bible.
Sermons on Revelation
With the numerous changes in society since 2020, many Christians, have been wondering if we are in the “Biblical End Times.” Themes like “Revelation,” “Unveiled,” and “Prophecy” have been used frequently since.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Revelation
Sermons on Psalms
This is a classic series that surveys the longest book in the Bible. Titles used: “Psalms,” “The Shepherd,” “Spirit of Praise” “Heart to Heart” and more.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Psalms
Sermons on the Gospels
These series have either been looking at a specific Gospel or have been an overview of a combination on them. A pastor may title their series “The Life of Jesus,” “Messiah” “The Chosen One” or use a gospel name like “Matthew” or “Mark.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel of Luke, and the Gospel of John
Sermons on Romans
The Book of Romans is a theological masterpiece. It is Paul’s teaching legacy. Expect to find “Romans for You,” “Revealed,” “Romans for Dummies” and more.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Romans
Sermons on Proverbs
This Wisdom book is rich in imagery and content. In today’s black and white world, Proverbs offer a richness of perspectives. That’s why “Wisdom for Today,” “The Fool and The Wise” and “Be_____” are enticing titles.
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Sermons on Philippians
Paul wrote this joy-filled epistle in one of his worst imprisonment situations, which makes it valuable in our day and age. Titles used are “Joy-Filled Life,” “Rejoice,” and “Joyful in Every Circumstance.”
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Sermons on Job
The story of “Job” is one of heartache, grief, and suffering and how he went “From Grief to Blessing.” It is also filled with the “Richness of Life” rewards, blessings, and understanding.
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Sermons on James
A very practical epistle if there is one, James writes on how to put your “Faith into Action.” Our society needs to see the “Church Being the Church” within its community!
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Sermons on Peter’s Epistles
In the COVID-19 season, many have felt “Persecuted for Their Faith” and rights. Since Peter wrote both of his epistles under intense persecution, it surely may be relevant today. “Peter” and “How to React Under Pressure” are the series titles.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on 1 Peter and 2 Peter
Sermons on Nehemiah
He is known as one of the great leaders in the Old Testament, navigating the people of Israel in troubled times. His book is a blueprint for such times. You’ll like the “Leadership from Nehemiah,” “Living in Troubled Times,” and “Time to (re)Build.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Nehemiah
What Are the Best Spiritual Sermon Topics?
These topics are related to longer portions of the Scriptures.
Sermons on the Armor of God
Ephesians 6: 10-20 states you must “put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (V11). It is often used as a 6-8 week preaching series.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Armor of God
Sermons on the Beatitudes
The sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-12) is Jesus’ most famous discourse. He depicts 10 different attitudes you should live out.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Beatitudes
Sermons on the Fruit of the Spirit
Paul tells the Galatian Christians what the Holy Spirit produces in you when you abide in Him instead of living under the influence of our selfish and worldly desires. (Galatians 5:22-26)
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Sermons on the Gifts of the Spirit
This topical series is based on 1 Corinthians 12 specifically and Romans 12 as well.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Gifts of the Spirit
Sermons on the Good Shepherd
Everyone, even non-Christians, has heard of Psalm 23, perhaps without knowing the source. Talking about care and leadership, this text is a classic.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Good Shepherd
Sermons on the “I Am” Statements of Jesus
John’s Gospel states 7 statements when Jesus owns the saying “I am”. Those 7 accounts describe who He declared he was: the Bread of Life, the Light of the World, the Door, the Good Shepherd, the Resurrection, and the Life, the Vine, and finally the Way, the Truth, and the Life. These statements can be made into a 7-week preaching series.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the “I Am” Statements of Jesus
Sermons on the Names of the Lord
The Old Testament is filled with descriptions of God’s name like El-Shaddai, Yahweh-Jireh, Adonai and Yahweh-Rapha to name a few. It makes a great series of 10 weeks or more!
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Names of the Lord
Sermons on the Parables of Jesus
Jesus used studies and allegories to help people understand Kingdom rules. With a choice of over 50 parables, it allows for various topics…within the topic!
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Jesus’ Parables
Sermons on Love
Based on 1 Corinthians 13, this most-read wedding text is so beautiful that it requires you to live on the highest road of human relationships, Love.
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What are Felt-Need Sermon Topics?
Felt-need sermon topics address challenges so that congregations can grow spiritually. These are sometimes universal challenges, but they can also be about specific issues that have arisen in the local community. Many churches, if not most of them, will use these self-help, daily life reality topics to preach series that are meant to aid Christians deal with situations they face as well as non-Christians. These topics are often used in an evangelism or “invite a friend” mode.
Felt-Need Sermons on Anxiety
According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, approximately 40 million American adults suffer from an anxiety disorder, so this subject will certainly appeal to a vast crowd, in and out of church. With themes like “Finding Peace,” “Dealing with Anxiety,” “Overcoming Anxiety,” or even “Anxiety Detox,” your church people will bring friends with them.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Anxiety
Felt-Need Sermons on Anger
It is a normal human emotion as the Bible says, “When you are angry, do not sin, and be sure to stop being angry before the end of the day” (Ephesians 4:28 NCV). Dealing with anger is a very common issue, thus the relevance of the topic.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Depression
According to the World Health Organization, approximately 280 million people in the word have depression. It can be so debilitating, and the word of God has something to say about it. “Light in the Darkness” and “Overcoming Dark Thoughts” or something along those lines are common themes.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Depression
Felt-Need Sermons on Fear
Who doesn’t fear, ever? Fear of the future, hardships, or health crises are common to all, at least to a certain degree. It is so human to fear that the Word of God reminds us 366 times to “Fear not”, one for every day of the year, even during leap years! “Uncertain,” “Fear Not,” “Unhindered by Fear,” or “Fearless” are common themes.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Stress
Stress is a daily thing for many people. Since there are so many factors that cause stress, this topic is (unfortunately) an endless pit of inspiration. From “Overwhelmed” to “Kindness to the Mind” to “How to Worry Less” are a few common themes.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Loss and Grief
Daily living brings a lot of losses, big and small. Loss of job security, and loss of relationships are familiar, yet unfriendly topics. Themes will often use words like “Tragedy,” “Loss,” “Heartbreak” or “Broken.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Loss and Grief
Felt-Need Sermons on Friendship
“A friend loves you all the time, and a brother helps in times of trouble” Proverbs 17:17. Friendships are the basis of healthy relationships. Series will be themed out like “Best Friend,” “Community,” and “In Unity.”
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Felt-Need Sermons on Forgiveness
What makes forgiveness a hot topic is the fact that you’ve been hurt by someone before, and the same goes for each of your churchgoers. Yet, the Bible has so much to say about it. Themes like “The Healing Force of Forgiveness,” “How to Get Past Hurt,” or “It’s Unfair: Why Should I Forgive?” pose great questions you can preach on.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Addiction
From gambling to alcoholism and workaholism as well as eating disorders and porn, addictions are present in all spheres of society and church life. “Break Free,” “Fighting for Freedom,” and “Keys to Overcoming XYZ” are habitual series.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Purpose
God declares that we are His “people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! (Ephesians 2:10 TPT). A life of purpose, filled with destiny is meant for everyone. “Destined to Win,” “Purpose-Filled Life,” and “Born for Destiny” are typical titles.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Leadership
This is one of the most popular pastor conversation topics. There are thousands of Christian-led podcasts, blogs, and articles on the subject, so it is normal to find regular series in church steeping as well. “Leadership Success” is a common theme, and titles like “Leading Smart,” “Leading better,” or “Leading Intentionally,” etc. are common.
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Felt-Need Sermons on Suffering
The Book of Job answers, or at least tries to, the age-old question of “Why do (good) people suffer?”. It is such a worthwhile interrogation that it also requires a great series of sermons to go along with it like “Close to the Broken-hearted,” “Pain and Prejudice,” “Afflictions and Trials for His Glory” or even “Trying to Understand Suffering.”
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Felt-Need Sermons on Finances
Many pastors highly dislike preaching on this topic as they don’t want to be perceived as the guy who wants people’s money. But they also know that if they don’t communicate anything about it, the church budget will plummet! So, the themes will be angled differently like “God’s Blessing on Your Finances,” “Financially Free,” and “Generosity from Above.” Another angle here is being good stewards of our personal finances.
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What Are the Top Theology Sermon Topics?
Theology, in this context, is to be understood as a teaching series on a subject that pertains to understanding God and His work. Whether your church is teaching as a theological powerhouse or whether it sits on the opposite side of that spectrum, these specific topics were gleaned for organizations that sit anywhere on that continuum. And theology is not about you, it’s about Him.
Sermons on the Trinity
God in three persons says the Athanasian Creed. Others offer variations of that like “three personalities” or “three essences”. Where you land on this subject will affect the rest of your beliefs, which leads to series like “Embracing the Trinity,” “Three in One” or even “1+1+1=1.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on the Trinity
Sermons on Salvation
Again, the spectrum of beliefs on this topic is wide and it has been now for centuries. Yet, most churches will, in some way or the other preach on the subject as they all want people to connect to Christ. Themes can be: “Salvation Unlimited,” “I Raised my Hand,” “He is My Salvation,” and “Saved Eternally.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Salvation
Sermons on the Cross
The Cross is central to the Christian faith. It’s unique compared to any other world religion. These sermons cover Christ’s work and ultimate sacrifice for Humanity. Sermon titles could be “Journey to the Cross,” “Ultimate Sacrifice,” or “Cross of Hope.”
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Sermons on Justification
Justification is the God-initiated action that makes us forgiven and just before Him. Therefore, you may want your preaching topic to be “Justified,” “Clean Slate,” or “Justified by Him.”
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Sermons on Sanctification
How we react to God’s work in us is called sanctification. Your congregation needs to hear how to live a daily process of letting the Holy Spirit mold them and change them into “Becoming More Like Christ,” “Living a New Normal” or “Pursuing Holiness.”
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Sermons on God’s Character
Every church in the U.S. will likely go through a sermon series around at least one trait of God’s character. After all, it is Him that we follow! You might want to survey His goodness, Love, Omnipresence, or His Great Might.
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Sermons on the Person of Jesus
For some people, Jesus was a mortal who acceded to a higher life or was a good teacher. To others, He was man, He was God. Even Christians have a hard time wrapping their brains around Jesus being man AND God. That’s why “God-Jesus,” and “The Man-God” are common themes.
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Sermons on the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is the subject of themes like “Awesome Power,” “Not by my might but by His Spirit” and “Fire.”
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Sermons on the Church
The local church is the way Christ uses people to gather, grow, and serve their communities. So, pastors will preach on “Capital “C” Church,” “The Church Empowered” and “By His Church.”
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Sermons on Communion
Two ordinances or sacraments exist, and communion is one of them, themed under “Holy Communion,” “Partake” or “Bread and Wine.”
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Sermons on Baptism
Baptism is the other ordinance. Churches have metrics concerning it. Many of those organizations have full Sunday baptism services. Sermon titles may be “Next Steps,” “New Life,” or “Old/New.”‘
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Sermons on Grace
Sola Gratia, by His Grace Alone, are we saved. Understanding the theological scope of God’s “Unmerited Gift,” “Amazing Grace” “Grace Wins” or “His Grace Unlimited” will allow your church to live freely.
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Sermons on Sin
Many churches cover the topic of sin as its effects on you and I bring the bad, the ugly, and the evil in this world and it points to the Good News of the Gospel; that we are saved by Grace alone!
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What Are the Most Popular Sermon Topics on Christian Practices?
These topics are specifically aimed at Christians, new and not-so-new!
Sermons on Prayer Life
Christians all face the challenge of having a vibrant prayer life. From the movie-based “War Room” to “Conversing with God,” “Guide to Prayer,” “Powerful Prayer,” and “Prayer Warriors,” you’ll find hundreds of themes for your sermons.
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Sermons on Fasting
Very few Christians enjoy fasting. “Fasting Prayer,” “Habit of Fasting” and “The Power of Fasting” will encourage your congregants to dig deeper in their relationship to Christ.
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Sermons on Bible Reading
The Bible is now accessible 24/7 through apps. You get your verse of the day in your texts and reminders. Yet, many Christians do not read their Bible outside of Sunday. Thus, it can be helpful and even necessary to have a yearly “Bible Challenge,” “21 Days of Reading,” or “Bible Immersion.”
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Sermons on Relationships, Dating, and Marriage
This is the most common topic. By far. 75% of the surveyed churches had at least one series a year. And that’s besides the specific topic of friendship cited earlier. “Better Together,” “The Two of Us,” and “The Dating (single, married) Life” are the customary themes.
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Sermons on Temptation
“Overcoming Temptation,” “Purpose Killer” and “Resisting Temptation” serve the goal of helping Christians be stronger against temptation, whether it’s to steal, to lie or bend the rules.
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Sermons on Sexuality
Human sexuality is a topic of great discussion. Themes or sermon titles can vary from “Sexual Ethics,” “God’s Plan for Sex,” and “Gender Reveal” to “Sex, for Real.”
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Sermons on Outreach
Through the words of the prophet Micah (6:8), God reminds us to “Act justly” and Jesus tells us to “Love Your Neighbor.” Outreach is about “Reaching Our Community” and “Serving.”
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Sermons on Evangelism
“Sharing Your Faith” and “Standing Boldly” are ways you must actually “Talk About Jesus” and “What God Has Done for Me.” Equipping your church members to do so allows them to “Invite a Friend to Faith.”
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Sermons on Tithing
This topic is different than finances or generosity as it deals with your responsibility to “Give Back to God” or “His 10%.” Sometimes, the themes are not as blatant: “Cheerful Heart” and “Giving Obedience.”
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Sermons on Gifts
Peter describes it like this: “Serve each other according to the gift each person has received, as good managers of God’s diverse gifts.” (4:10 CEB). “God-Given Gifts” are to be “Useful to the Church.”
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Sermons on Faith and Trust
“Trusting God” is an ever-challenging reality. “Faith over Doubt” is not easy, but you can encourage your church to “Take Steps of Faith” to “Live a Life Worth Living” through these sermons.
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What Are Some Character-Based Sermon Topics?
The Bible’s descriptions of many heroes of the faith are rich in teachings and examples to follow. These topics are exactly what it is, series based on a specific character(s) and their life lessons.
Sermons on Adam and Eve
Our ancestors were “Walking with God” “In the Garden of Eden.” Their “Beginnings” proved to be arduous and shaped humanity forever.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Adam and Eve
Sermons on Abraham
The “Father of Faith” is a biography worth reading. He left his country to “Go Where God Leads.”
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Sermons on Joseph
“From Slave to Ruler,” Joseph is known as “The Dreamer” and Jacob’s “Favorite Son.” His life in an “Epic Journey” of God’s work in everyday situations.
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Sermons on David
“The Goliath Slayer” story is a beautiful one. David was “A Man After God’s Own Heart” and a “Warrior Worshipper.” You can recall his life through 1-2 Samuel and 1 Kings chapters 1-2.
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Sermons on Solomon
David’s son became king at his father’s death. He had a reputation of “The Wisest Man on Earth” and he wrote many of the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
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Sermons on Elijah
“Prophet of Power,” Elijah stood against “A king, a Queen, and 400 prophets” which made his fame grow beyond the kingdoms of Israel. James even mentions “He was a Man Like Us.”
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Sermons on Isaiah
Isaiah ministered for over six decades to kings and wrote the longest book from a prophet. He saw the “Glory of the Lord” and replied to the illustrious “Here I am, Send Me.” He is often called “The Prophet!”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Isaiah
Sermons on Peter
Known as Church Father, Peter may be remembered for “The Day I denied Christ” or for his “Glorious Declarations,” he was the “Leader of the Apostles.”
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Sermons on Paul
“Murderer to Missionary” could’ve been the title of this former Pharisee. He was “The First Church Planter” and he wrote almost half of the New Testament. His life “From Jerusalem to Rome” is full of purposeful lessons.
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources on Paul
Sermons on Daniel
“The Lions’ Den” character kept his faith in God in very troubled times. He decides to “Stay True to God” while serving earthly kings.
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Sermons on Jesus
Finally, Jesus is the “Good News Incarnated.” When pastors do a series on “Jesus of Nazareth,” it is dedicated to his life and ministry in Israel.
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Which Seasonal or Holiday-Based Sermon Topics Engage Congregations the Most?
It is hard to not cover seasonal or holiday-based sermon topics like these. After all, they are on the calendar and are Christian faith pillars.
Sermons for New Year’s Eve
Churches all begin the year with “This Year’s Word” based on a yearly theme, or “Relaunch” that is aimed at new “Resolutions” that should be kept all year!
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Sermons for Good Friday and Easter Sunday
The “Death and Resurrection” are central to the Christian faith. Attendance is also at its peak in most churches on “Weekend of Hope” and on “Comeback Sunday.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Good Friday and Easter Sunday
At the Movies Sermon Series
This one can seem a bit peculiar as it isn’t felt-need-based. More and more churches are doing an “At The Movies” series once a year for a few weeks. They are basically using a movie and its lessons to preach a godly message, like Jesus using parables in His time.
Sermons for Mother’s Day
Another big Sunday of the year, as moms want to see their kids in church! It is a Sunday to give more valor to “Great Moms,” discover “What Moms are Made of” and bless “Mothers of Virtue.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Mother’s Day
Sermons for Father’s Day
If mothers want to see their kids in church, dads want to grill out and have a good time. That’s why themes will circle the “Dads Sunday Grill” or “Father’s Best Day.” The Chris Tomlin song “Good Good Father” has been used, if not overused!
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Father’s Day
Sermons for Independence Day
This is a classic Sunday where pastors ask someone else on staff to preach. Often titled “Freedom,” or “We Remember,” churches also let the guest speakers choose their titles. It is also a common weekend for “5 on 5” (5-minute talks by 5 different speakers) or “The Bench” (less experienced communicators crafting their art of preaching).
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Independence Day
Sermons for Thanksgiving
The familiar “Gratefulness Expressed” and “Giving Thanks” always express the “Heart of Thanksgiving.” Some choose the “X Number of Reasons to be Thankful.”
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Sermons for Christmas
The last holiday of the calendar year is the second busiest weekend of the year. You’re guaranteed to see “Reclaiming Christmas,” “Hope at Christmas,” and “Christmas at [Your Church Name].”
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Timeless Topics That Resonate
As you can see, these do not cover every subject the Bible offers, but these are the 75 most popular sermon topics that are preached in modern times!
To find even more sermon topics, visit SermonSearch.com.
This is a classic Sunday where pastors ask someone else on staff to preach. Often titled “Freedom,” or “We Remember,” churches also let the guest speakers choose their titles. It is also a common weekend for “5 on 5” (5-minute talks by 5 different speakers) or “The Bench” (less experienced communicators crafting their art of preaching).
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Independence Day
Sermons for Thanksgiving
The familiar “Gratefulness Expressed” and “Giving Thanks” always express the “Heart of Thanksgiving.” Some choose the “X Number of Reasons to be Thankful.”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Thanksgiving
Sermons for Christmas
The last holiday of the calendar year is the second busiest weekend of the year. You’re guaranteed to see “Reclaiming Christmas,” “Hope at Christmas,” and “Christmas at [Your Church Name].”
Browse Top Sermon Outlines and Resources for Christmas
Timeless Topics That Resonate
As you can see, these do not cover every subject the Bible offers, but these are the 75 most popular sermon topics that are preached in modern times!
To find even more sermon topics, visit SermonSearch.com.