The decorations are up, Christmas music can be heard everywhere, and ready or not, Christmas day is almost here! I hope and pray you have enjoyed preaching God’s Word and drawing people closer to Him through the proclamation and teaching of this wonderful story of Christ’s birth.
As we start to wrap up the season, you may be wondering what to preach on. Well, no worries. In this article, I wanted to highlight a few ideas for you on what you can preach on leading up to Christmas. Each idea contains the link to a sermon outline for you to look at for encouragement as your prepare your own messages.
1. The genealogy of Jesus – Mathew 1:17
This is an incredible portion of Scripture that highlights the family line from which Jesus came. This could honestly be a multi-part series. Here’s an example of a sermon outline that highlights this, as well. The Christmas Family Tree by Ernest Easley.
2. Finding peace in the midst of confusion – Matthew 1:18
The story of Mary and Joseph is one that needs to be preached every year. They may have had their plans that normally go along with any other young, engaged couple, but what do we do when God has other plans? Here’s an outline to use for inspiration. Christmas Calamity by Donald Cantrell.
3. The wise men and their risky undertaking – Matthew 2:1
These men traveled hundreds upon hundreds of miles to worship the newborn King. They also defied Herod by not returning to tell him where they found Jesus. This is a story that will encourage your congregation this Christmas season. Here’s an outline to use for inspiration. Christmas Through the Eyes of the Magi by Dave Gustavsen.
4. The danger found in the first Christmas – Matthew 2
The story of the wise men is again a powerful story, but Herod’s reaction to what the wise men did by defying him is astounding. Christmas is truly a peaceful, joy and hope filled occasion, but we can never forget the darkness surrounding His birth. Here’s an outline for inspiration. The Road to Christmas – Slaughter of the Innocents by Steve Jones
5. No Vacancy – Luke 2:7
This verse and passage could take a number of routes. Speak on the conditions in which Jesus was born, or preach from the perspective of the innkeeper and how he did not make room for Christ. He simply turned them away. This could be an eye-opening powerful message to preach. Here’s an outline as an idea. The Crowded-Out Christby Adrian Rogers.