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church service with hands liftedLeadership

How to Create a Healthy Church Culture

Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast every time.”  One of the hardest issues to fix within a church is a culture problem. Culture is the norm of behaviors in a group of people. It’s how they solve problems, resolve conflicts or even interact. We’ve all been to…
September 1, 2022
preacher in a church servicePreaching Tips

7 Ways to Start a Sermon That Will Ultimately Fail

Do you prepare sermons regularly or plan to? Then, like most communicators, you’ve asked yourself, "What is the difference between an OK sermon and a good sermon?" Maybe you’ve wondered what makes a message top or flop, hit the target, crash and burn, prevail or fail. Quite frankly, if you…
August 5, 2022
open bible on a tablePreaching Tips

Preaching Without Notes – A Step-By-Step Guide

Maybe you’ve heard these two famous ways to start preaching without notes: "Pray, and God will download your message to you. You’ll be able to preach without notes. Period." That was the first "wise counsel" I received when I asked how to preach without notes. It didn't really help me.…
July 28, 2022
alarm clock being held upLeadership

9 Time Management Mistakes Every Pastor Makes

Time – It’s a nonrenewable resource. It is absolute in its essence. You can measure it yet, and most don’t know how much of it exists. Many waste it, and few invest it.  You can’t control the amount of it, but you can bend the influence of it. This is…
June 28, 2022