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The Top Warning Signs of Pastoral Stress & Burnout 

Pastoral stress and burnout are becoming more and more common in today’s ministry landscape. Many pastors feel the pressure of ministry and aren’t sure what to do about it or how to handle it.  Worse yet, many pastors don’t feel the freedom to talk about the stress they’re experiencing because…
November 22, 2023

6 Ways to Develop Leaders Within Your Ministry

Developing leaders within your church and organization is essential to growth. This means being secure enough to let go of control and delegate responsibilities to others. You can’t do everything, and you can’t expect people in your church to have all the necessary skills, experiences, and education to do a…
August 7, 2023
Church PewsLeadership

How to Retain Your Easter Visitors

Easter is one of the highest attended days for churches around the world. Churches do not have to put much effort into the marketing and promotional part of Easter. Often in Western culture, Easter is when people who don’t regularly attend church come. It is also cultural for extended families…
March 29, 2023
Image of Jesus PrayingPreaching Tips

6 Keys to Preparing Your Easter Sermon

Easter is the biggest day of the year for most churches in terms of attendance. Churches all see a spike in attendance and new guests coming through the doors. It is an exciting time for the Church because it celebrates the most important event in human history–the resurrection of Jesus…
March 15, 2023