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Preaching Tips

Unpacking Jesus’ Preaching Style in Matthew 6

The first recorded sermon from Jesus is His famous Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). While interpretations of this famous sermon will vary, Bible scholars and pastors agree that Jesus' preaching style was revolutionary for his listeners. Moreover, this sermon offers incredibly helpful tips for pastors on preaching the Word…
April 25, 2024
Preaching Tips

3 Practical Ways to Teach Teens Communion

We participate in communion during our church services to acknowledge the work of Jesus on the cross. It is a sacred moment in our services as we take the juice and the bread to symbolize the blood and body of Jesus. And we must teach teens communion's importance, too. For…
April 10, 2024
Sermon Ideas

5 Strategies for Fresh Sermon Content Every Week

As a preacher, you understand that delivering sermons week after week can be an uphill task. Keeping your congregation engaged and interested in the Word of God is crucial, and to do so, you need to regularly create fresh sermon content. However, generating new ideas every week can be challenging.…
April 5, 2024
start your sermonPreaching TipsSermon Ideas

11 Powerful Ways to Start Your Sermon 

A pastor has about 90 seconds to grab their congregation's attention. The sad part is that many pastors waste words and time in the opener of their message. Today, many people of all ages have a shortened attention span. Your sermon introduction needs to be precise, thought-provoking, and engaging.  Here…
April 1, 2024

5 Reasons You Need a Church Hospitality Team 

Churches are expected to be places of love, community, worship, and prayer. However, many first-time guests feel they must be more loved and welcomed. Almost any church surveyed would say they do a good job of making their new guests feel appreciated, yet those churches are not retaining them. When…
April 1, 2024

8 Strategies to Turn First-Time Guests Into Regulars

Every church shares a common foundation: it starts with individuals who were once first-time guests. Even in the case of a church plant with a dedicated core team, they were once newcomers to that very plant. Retaining first-time guests is vital for any church's growth trajectory. According to Tony Morgan…
April 1, 2024

5 Things to Remember When Starting Pastoral Care Ministry 

Pastors often perceive pastoral care as a secondary duty to preaching, sometimes underestimating its significance. Leading a local church requires pastors to wear two hats: one akin to a Chief Executive Officer, managing budgets, staff, vision, and ministry operations; the other as a chaplain, attending to the congregation's needs during…
March 25, 2024