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Tools of the Trade

I have two toolboxes, which should identify me as a handyman. For some reason, they do not provide enough evidence for my wife. She has this idea that I should not only use the tools in those boxes but be proficient in handling them. Tools should be used.  I do…
August 26, 2020
Preaching Tips

Preaching God’s Words

Many people claim various places are sacred. In a recent family trip out west, we visited the sacred grounds of the Black Hills. Several years before we visited our nation's military cemetery, Arlington National Cemetery which is reported to be sacred ground. UNESCO's World Heritage include the Alamo, Yellowstone, and…
May 29, 2020

Eagerly Waiting for Easter

Inside all of us there is a longing for something new, something better. It is seen in how everything goes out of date so quickly. Last year's car model needs to be replaced as they have changed the body style for a new year. No teenager would not be caught…
April 6, 2020
Preaching Tips

Good Preachers Are Always Students

If reporters interviewed pastors after worship as they do NFL athletes after Sunday games, I imagine I would step up to the podium and say: ''We gave it our best effort out there today but we came up short. Yes, I spoke about the second person plural of the Greek…
November 11, 2019
Preach OTSermon Ideas

Why Preach the Old Testament?

I just read a great article by Steven J. Lawson in Expositor Magazine called, “Why Preach the Old Testament?” This was an eye opening article and a topic that I thought would be helpful to preachers today. I reached out to a few of our contributors and asked them for…
September 13, 2019
How to Write a SermonPreaching Tips

6 Steps on How to Write a Sermon

Contents Pray without CeasingLike a Broken Record, Read the Text Over & Over AgainStudy Like It’s Finals WeekBrainstorm - All Ideas Are “Good” IdeasFocus Like a LaserTime to Write There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to how to write a sermon. Everyone has their own method, but there…
September 13, 2019