Easter is quickly approaching, and with that, many church leaders have already jumped into the somewhat frantic mode of all things Easter service preparations. No matter where you are in the scheme of planning, studying, or praying, though, here are some tips and reminders that will hopefully guide you along the way as you prepare for one of the greatest seasons we are able to partake in.
Recognize your potential for impact.
Easter Sunday is one of the biggest Sundays of the year. Your service will be packed with families, neighbors, friends, co-workers, strangers, and passerby. With this, however, comes great responsibility, as your church has the potential to reach and speak life into your community. Instead of dwelling on how many individuals you can count that Sunday morning, think about each individual person. Think about the one who has never been to church but wanders into the sanctuary for the first time that Sunday. Think about the neighbor who grew up in church but was wounded, grew bitter, and swore never to return. Think of the unsaved wife or husband who attends with their spouse only on Easter Sunday each year. Think of the child who has a broken home life who comes seeking community, love, and fulfillment. Think of these and the many others, and use every opportunity you have to reach them with love, truth, and the newness that Easter brings.
Get your congregation involved.
Make sure that your congregants understand this mission and its potential impact. Get them involved. Instill within them excitement and passion for sharing the love and truth of Christ, our living Savior. Encourage your church to pray weeks beforehand, preparing their hearts and the heart of the community to be changed and challenged. And with this excitement, embolden your congregants to invite others by reaching out within their various spheres of influence.
Make your guests welcome.
As you instill excitement in the hearts and minds of your congregants, establish a team who is willing to go the extra mile in making every guest welcome at your service. A lot of these individuals will be in a new setting, feeling uneasy and somewhat alone. Rather than your guests remaining in that state of seclusion, make sure your service is a comfortable setting where all are made to feel like family. Also, think about establishing certain service dynamics that will cater to the needs of your guests. For example, if you have a time of prayer during your service, establish a prayer team who will pray with individuals (even in a private setting, if need be).
Use engaging media.
Instead of lulling your audience to sleep, think about starting your service with an exciting welcome video which truly demonstrates appreciation to your guests. Utilize engaging motion backgrounds for your lyrics during worship, encouraging your church to go all in as they lift up the name of Jesus. Or, in order to better get one of your sermon points across, try using a sermon illustration video that will not only engage your congregation, but make sure that they understand the power and significance of the resurrection.
Be clear.
The death and resurrection of Jesus can be complicated matters to understand, especially to new believers and non-Christians. What do you mean this Jesus told everyone to eat his flesh and drink his blood? What do you mean that your Savior died? He died? Resurrection? Huh? Does Jesus become like one of the zombies on The Walking Dead? While one should not water down the Gospel in any manner, one might also consider those who aren’t well versed in the Christian lingo some of us often take for granted. Be clear when you say what you say. Make sure to explain your thoughts fully so that all can understand what is being spoken.
Finally, remember the miraculous-ness of this event.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ solidified our reconciliation to God, and our living advocate. Remember the miraculous-ness of this event. Allow the Easter season to awaken your heart again to how blessed it is to be called a child of the living God. Don’t take that away. Share it. Instill it.