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Sermon Ideas

Sermon Ideas

7 Thanksgiving Sermons You Haven’t Preached Yet

For you and many pastors, when you plan your yearly teaching schedule, you know there are a few sermons that are event or holiday-based. Think Christmas, Easter, Mother’s and Father’s Day, even Independence Day for some. Often, our national Thanksgiving holiday is included in those special annual messages. You take…
October 5, 2020
Preach OTSermon Ideas

Why Preach the Old Testament?

I just read a great article by Steven J. Lawson in Expositor Magazine called, “Why Preach the Old Testament?” This was an eye opening article and a topic that I thought would be helpful to preachers today. I reached out to a few of our contributors and asked them for…
September 13, 2019
Christmas Sermon IdeasSermon Ideas

5 Christmas Sermon Ideas

The decorations are up, Christmas music can be heard everywhere, and ready or not, Christmas day is almost here! I hope and pray you have enjoyed preaching God’s Word and drawing people closer to Him through the proclamation and teaching of this wonderful story of Christ’s birth. As we start…
September 13, 2018