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Sermon Ideas

Sermon Ideas

7 Lessons We Can Learn from the Centurion in the Bible

''All these things happened to our ancestors so that we would learn from them. They are written in the Bible to teach us important lessons.'' (1 Corinthians 10:11 EASY). The Bible wants us to learn from history and character's behaviors. Bible characters and their life situations have bountiful experiences from…
April 8, 2022
Sermon Ideas

7 Baptism Bible Verses to Inspire Your Next Message

Water baptism is such an important moment in a Christian's new life with Christ. In most churches, it is a celebration as the congregants welcome the new members to faith. Churches have festive music blasting out of the speakers, balloons with bright colors, and banners with relevant slogans like "Raised…
March 25, 2022
Sermon Ideas

9 Themes to Preach on the Garden of Gethsemane

Preaching on The Garden of Gethsemane is a communicator's dream...and nightmare as well, probably in equal parts. The subject is rich as it entails the last moments of Jesus' life on Earth. His ultimate sacrifice gave us access to eternal life and the Holy Spirit. The beauty and greatness of…
March 1, 2022