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Preaching Tips

Preaching Tips

3 Steps towards Speaking without Notes

Public speakers who maintain a conversational tone have a better chance of keeping their audience engaged. Constantly looking down at notes hinders the conversational nature of a presentation and causes your audience to lose interest. So how can you prepare and then speak without notes?  Below I will present three steps towards speaking without notes, but…
September 13, 2021
Memorial Day WeekendPreaching Tips

Simple Sermon Strategies That Work

Upon writing this blog, it is my desire to help the reader in designing and preparing a sermon.  If this is our “calling” to preach or to pastor, then we are also called to master the art of sermon design and delivery.  I will leave it to other “experts” on…
September 13, 2021
PlagarismPreaching Tips

Sermon Inspiration or Plagiarism: Where’s the Line?

Not long ago, the preaching world was rocked by the story of two well-known pastors who preached a sermon virtually word-for-word that belonged to another pastor. Their sermons raised some serious questions and caused some much-needed soul-searching. Today, let’s answer the question, “When is someone else’s sermon just inspiration, and…
August 16, 2021
Preaching Tips

Preaching God’s Words

Many people claim various places are sacred. In a recent family trip out west, we visited the sacred grounds of the Black Hills. Several years before we visited our nation's military cemetery, Arlington National Cemetery which is reported to be sacred ground. UNESCO's World Heritage include the Alamo, Yellowstone, and…
May 29, 2020
Preaching Tips

Good Preachers Are Always Students

If reporters interviewed pastors after worship as they do NFL athletes after Sunday games, I imagine I would step up to the podium and say: ''We gave it our best effort out there today but we came up short. Yes, I spoke about the second person plural of the Greek…
November 11, 2019
How to Write a SermonPreaching Tips

6 Steps on How to Write a Sermon

Contents Pray without CeasingLike a Broken Record, Read the Text Over & Over AgainStudy Like It’s Finals WeekBrainstorm - All Ideas Are “Good” IdeasFocus Like a LaserTime to Write There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to how to write a sermon. Everyone has their own method, but there…
September 13, 2019
Laptop Sermon PlanPreaching Tips

How to Make Sermon Illustrations Memorable

Most pastors and Bible teachers immediately recognize the power of a well-told illustration. It engages the heart of those listening and allows the mind's eye to see truth through the application of something familiar. Ignoring the use of skillfully chosen illustrations in your sermons will lessen their effectiveness and cause…
July 14, 2019
Ways to Communicate BetterPreaching Tips

3 Ways to Communicate Better

Contents Concise Information Receives Nice FeedbackSave the Greek for SaladsIn Conclusion, Stop Saying, “In Conclusion” We spend much of our lives communicating, and I know we all want to communicate better as a preacher. For me, I am a communicator, it is my passion.  I really believe that what we…