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Preaching Tips

open bible on a tablePreaching Tips

Preaching Without Notes – A Step-By-Step Guide

Maybe you’ve heard these two famous ways to start preaching without notes: “Pray, and God will download your message to you. You’ll be able to preach without notes. Period.” That was the first “wise counsel” I received when I asked how to preach without notes. It didn't really help me.…
July 28, 2022
Preaching Tips

The 6 Signs of a Really Bad Sermon

There is nothing worse than feeling like your time has been wasted. Time is a finite resource, and once it is gone, it can never be recouped. However, countless congregants have felt this way about a sermon or multiple sermons from a pastor.  Most people show up to church hoping…
April 20, 2022
Baptism scripturesPreaching Tips

7 Verses to Help Teach You About Baptism

Water baptism is such an important moment in a Christian’s new life with Christ. In most churches, it is a celebration as the congregants welcome the new members to faith. Churches have festive music blasting out the speakers, balloons with bright colors, banners with relevant slogans like “Raised to Life,”…
January 26, 2022
Funeral servicePreaching Tips

A Pastor’s Guide to Performing a Graveside Service

Over the last few years, the usual visitation and paying your respects at funeral homes has become less common. Times are changing. The 3-day visitation plus memorial service and prayer times, which was almost the norm a couple of decades ago, barely happens anymore. More and more graveside services are…
December 29, 2021
Tithing BoxPreaching Tips

21 Tithing Scriptures to Use During Offering Time

Some people don’t give because they don’t want to share what God has blessed them with. But honestly, some people don’t give because they’ve never been taught what Scripture says about giving.  If they knew the principles of Scripture, they would give. It’s not an issue of rebellion; it’s an…
October 10, 2021
Preaching Tips

Flexing the Right Preaching Muscle

Preaching is a calling.  It is a skill.  In many ways, it is an art.  Pick up a book on preaching, and you will find a definition of preaching.  John Broadus says in his book On the Preparation of and Delivery of Sermons, “Preaching is the proclamation of God’s message by…
September 13, 2021