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Preaching Tips

Preaching TipsUncategorized

Preaching Tips for Beginners

Preaching, especially the first sermon, often seems highly rewarding, filled with anticipation, praise, and a profound sense of spiritual fulfillment. This idealistic view can drive many to choose full-time ministry, expecting a constant replication of these peak experiences. However, the reality of consistent preaching involves high expectations, criticism, pressure to…
January 26, 2024
Preaching Tips

How to Plan Your Preaching Calendar for 2023

2023 is almost here, and if you’re like many pastors, your preaching calendar for next year is a cursor blinking on a blank page. Sometimes this is the hardest place to be. Planning for an entire year can be intimidating. However, taking the first step to get started can lead…
December 14, 2022
preacher in a church servicePreaching Tips

7 Ways to Start a Sermon That Will Ultimately Fail

Do you prepare sermons regularly or plan to? Then, like most communicators, you’ve asked yourself, “What is the difference between an OK sermon and a good sermon?” Maybe you’ve wondered what makes a message top or flop, hit the target or crash and burn, prevail or fail. Quite frankly, if…
August 5, 2022