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Top 12 Conferences of 2022 for Church Leaders 

Christian conferences have changed over the last few years. Some were put on hold due to the pandemic, while others pivoted to become only virtual. But, one thing is for sure, many pastors and church leaders are sincerely hoping 2022 will be the year of grand (re)openings of such significant…
April 21, 2022

How to Be Fishers of Men in a Digital Age

Bethsaida and Capernaum were part of Jesus' home base for his ministry in Galilee. When you read the Gospels, you’ll discover that many miracles happened in these “sister cities.” He healed a blind man there (Mark 8:22), walked on that water in that area (Matthew 14). He fed a crowd…
March 23, 2022

The Essential Guide to Getting a Theology Degree

When Paul traveled the then-known world to preach the Good News of the Gospel, he would often stay for a short while, preach and teach, plant a church and leave it to elders/overseers. Soon after, other communicators would come by, discredit his teachings and popularize false instructions. There is one…
December 16, 2021
church announcementsLeadership

Church Announcements: When to Share Them and How

Church announcements. That’s it. It’s written. I’m sorry for making you think about this subject. By just writing this, many of you giggled at the thought of how bad some are, others frowned because it’s the “root canal” moment of church service while some just decided to daydream (after all,…
October 21, 2021
Memorial Day WeekendLeadership

How to Have a Packed Church on Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is almost here and that means it’s time to hit the beach, amusement parks, or go camping. Wait, that’s what happens on Memorial Day weekend for most people. But life as a pastor requires you to be at church instead, right? Chances are your church crowd on…
September 13, 2021

Q & A with Contributor Patrick Edwards

I thoroughly enjoy getting to know our contributors. Learning who they are, their influences, their passions, and their desires really helps us to understand who they are and where they are coming from as we study their sermons. In this article, we have the privilige of getting to know one…
September 13, 2021