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6 Ways to Develop Leaders Within Your Ministry

Developing leaders within your church and organization is essential to growth. This means being secure enough to let go of control and delegate responsibilities to others. You can’t do everything, and you can’t expect people in your church to have all the necessary skills, experiences, and education to do a…
August 7, 2023
person trying to balance on a rockLeadership

12 Ways Pastors Can Create a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Pastoral burnout, moral failure, and resignations are at an all-time high. Why aren’t these pastors overflowing with the love, joy, and peace of the Lord in their lives, families, and ministries? What are the causes of their emotional problems and moral failures? A major factor is overwhelming ministry stress and…
September 22, 2022
church service with hands liftedLeadership

How to Create a Healthy Church Culture

Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast every time.”  One of the hardest issues to fix within a church is a culture problem. Culture is the norm of behaviors in a group of people. It’s how they solve problems, resolve conflicts or even interact. We’ve all been to…
September 1, 2022
online church serviceLeadership

How to Make Your Online Congregation Feel Cared For

For many pastors, an online congregation is just a service that needs to be offered. It is not understood as an essential part of their church life. The online service is there to help volunteers who can’t make it to church or to accommodate out-of-town folks. But what if your…
August 9, 2022
alarm clock being held upLeadership

9 Time Management Mistakes Every Pastor Makes

Time – It’s a nonrenewable resource. It is absolute in its essence. You can measure it yet, and most don’t know how much of it exists. Many waste it, and few invest it.  You can’t control the amount of it, but you can bend the influence of it. This is…
June 28, 2022