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5 Reasons You Need a Church Hospitality Team 

Churches are expected to be places of love, community, worship, and prayer. However, many first-time guests feel they must be more loved and welcomed. Almost any church surveyed would say they do a good job of making their new guests feel appreciated, yet those churches are not retaining them. When…
April 1, 2024

8 Strategies to Turn First-Time Guests Into Regulars

Every church shares a common foundation: it starts with individuals who were once first-time guests. Even in the case of a church plant with a dedicated core team, they were once newcomers to that very plant. Retaining first-time guests is vital for any church's growth trajectory. According to Tony Morgan…
April 1, 2024

6 Ways to Develop Leaders Within Your Ministry

Developing leaders within your church and organization is essential to growth. This means being secure enough to let go of control and delegate responsibilities to others. You can’t do everything, and you can’t expect people in your church to have all the necessary skills, experiences, and education to do a…
August 7, 2023
Church PewsLeadership

How to Retain Your Easter Visitors

Easter is one of the highest attended days for churches around the world. Churches do not have to put much effort into the marketing and promotional part of Easter. Often in Western culture, Easter is when people who don’t regularly attend church come. It is also cultural for extended families…
March 29, 2023