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Kevin Bordeaux

Preaching Tips

Preaching Tips for Beginners

Preaching, especially the first sermon, often seems highly rewarding, filled with anticipation, praise, and a profound sense of spiritual fulfillment. This idealistic view can drive many to choose full-time ministry, expecting a constant replication of these peak experiences. However, the reality of consistent preaching involves high expectations, criticism, pressure to…
January 26, 2024
Church PewsLeadership

How to Retain Your Easter Visitors

Easter is one of the highest attended days for churches around the world. Churches do not have to put much effort into the marketing and promotional part of Easter. Often in Western culture, Easter is when people who don’t regularly attend church come. It is also cultural for extended families…
March 29, 2023
church service with hands liftedLeadership

How to Create a Healthy Church Culture

Peter Drucker once said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast every time.”  One of the hardest issues to fix within a church is a culture problem. Culture is the norm of behaviors in a group of people. It’s how they solve problems, resolve conflicts or even interact. We’ve all been to…
September 1, 2022
Preaching Tips

The 6 Signs of a Really Bad Sermon

There is nothing worse than feeling like your time has been wasted. Time is a finite resource, and once it is gone, it can never be recouped. However, countless congregants have felt this way about a sermon or multiple sermons from a pastor.  Most people show up to church hoping…
April 20, 2022