When it comes to small groups, there are tons of resources out there, and it can often be overwhelming to find the right study for your specific group or groups. That’s why we’ve zoomed in on what we think are the 50 best Bible study resources to make your small group ministry thrive, help people to be fully alive in Christ, and let the whole church revive in community.
We’ve laid out this list to help you find what you’re looking for quickly. Our list is divided into 4 sections: Studies for Women, Studies for Men, Bible Studies for Anyone, and Sources for Ongoing Curriculum.
All of these resources cover a wide array of styles, theological views and duration. Some are video-based while others use books. Some have study guides; others don’t. Let’s dive in!
Studies for Women
Did you know that 60% of small group attendees are women? (Read the study here). It would come as no surprise that a majority of curriculum are intended for them. Here are 16 Bible resource ideas for your women’s small group:
by Lysa TerKeurst
Filmed on the streets of Israel, this study explores the seven I AM statements of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. This includes a study guide and six video sessions in DVD format.
by Lysa TerKeurst
Testimony-based. Our disappointments can be the divine appointments our souls need to radically encounter God. This comes with a study guide and a six-session video Bible study to go along with it (sold separately).
by Jen Wilkin
Sometimes the hardest part of studying God’s Word is knowing where to start. Without a plan or discernment, our resolve to keep growing in our knowledge of Scripture can dwindle. Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word women have a clear plan to use each time they go to their Bible so they can grow in Bible literacy and be transformed.
by Bianca Juarez Olthoff
Through five Bible study videos, Bianca shows how God used fire in the Bible. Her straightforward, funny, and relatable style will captivate ladies who are wanting to change.
by Lisa Bevere
Based on Biblical women and her own life, Lisa will share how to transform what you have now into what God wants you to have, encourage you during doubtful seasons, and speak truth about God’s bigger plan for your life. Many women can and should be mentors to younger ladies and this curriculum is a great tool to get this started.
by Lisa Bevere
Through eight video or audio lessons, Lisa uses the lioness as a fierce and nurturing model for women. Through this example, including Biblical references, Lisa challenges women to discover fresh passion and purpose and to use it.
by Christine Caine
Caine helps women step into their God-given calling. The videos are well filmed and the 10-chapter book is an easy read for a group setting.
by Christine Caine
Caine “believes that in order to change the future, we have to realize God is bigger than our mistakes, inadequacies, and limitations.” You can even use her book as the main frame of your group. The 11 chapters would make a great semester session!
by Lisa Harper
In seven sessions, Lisa studies overlooked or misunderstood Scripture and shares God’s perfect love through these. Discovering His care and goodness in a very refreshing way through this heartfelt study is a must.
by Beth Moore
In this six-week study, Beth uses Scripture-based questions to encourage intimacy with the One who knows you best. She is known for her Bible-based teachings and this one doesn’t disappoint.
by Mary Shannon Hoffpauir
Have you ever thought you had life under control—until you didn’t? This is a six-week journey through the Book of First Samuel. Many, if not most of us, say “God is in control” yet, live like we are! This series will certainly help you to give the controls back to God.
by Jen Wilkin
Through ten sessions, Jen Wilkin goes through the Book of Hebrews verse-by-verse to show us how God “provided something better for us” through Jesus Christ (Heb. 11:40). This study encourages us to put our faith in the Promise Keeper: our Savior.
by Annie F. Downs
Annie Downs tackles questions we’ve all faced: what do we do when the enemy whispers lies that we aren’t smart enough, pretty enough, rich enough, smart enough and so on? Through personal stories and Biblical truths, Downs speaks to women of all ages that we often “look for lovely” because we are really looking for God.
by Deb Burma
This is a close look at Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, the “letter of joy”. This epistle is one of the easiest letters to understand that Paul wrote. Practical in essence, this curriculum surveys ways of living joyfully.
by Rachel Risner
Meant to be understood as a journey and quest, this 6-week curriculum is like a “walk alongside real women of the Bible through their struggles and successes and discover how to become a woman of significance.”
by Jennie Allen
The Restless Study Guide engages the mind and heart through the life of Joseph. Allen loves to lead people in a loving relationship with God and this study of Joseph will do just that.
Studies for Men
Men don’t seem to totally engage in a typical small group setting. There are many reasons for that. Co-ed groups don’t always work out; maybe the curriculum is considered irrelevant or the format of reading a book may not suit well every type of men. Here is a list of curriculums that will get your church’s men engaged in their growth and betterment.
by Max Lucado
In six sessions, Lucado “takes a close look at our greatest fears and offers scripturally based reassurance and guidance through even the toughest moments of our lives.” He is one of the best storytellers around and this series is no exception to that.
by John Eldredge
This book was an instant classic for many men who needed to (re)discover their adventurous soul. In this study, men will be asked “What makes you come alive? What stirs your heart?” It is guaranteed to get even the shyest of mean to begin talking.
by Alex Kendrick
By studying the book of Ephesians, this Bible study was written specifically for teen boys by the Kendrick Brothers. Use this to teach and encourage young men that we don’t define ourselves—our Creator does. This one is perfect to bring teens into your mens groups or connect with them in a discipleship setting!
by Craig Groeschel
“Fight is a five-week series that helps men uncover who they really are – powerful men with warriors’ hearts.” What better than to understand the life of tough-guy Samson. His strength, and weaknesses, are so evident that men will decide to live out battles worth fighting for.
by Tony Evans
“Our culture is seeing confusion about what it means to be a man. Even notions of masculinity have, in many corners, become toxic. Kingdom Men Rising has been created to speak truth into a poorly defined and disoriented culture about the purpose and future of masculinity from a biblical perspective.” Evans has captured men’s hearts through this type of series. And this one does it again.
by Church of the Highlands
This church in Birmingham, Alabama, is one of the largest in the USA and has voluntarily aimed many of their groups for men. This series is all about an exploration of how God uses people in our lives to become who we are, then challenging men to choose three or four other men and reach out to them. Evangelistic in its approach, your men in your church will love it.
by Iron Hill
This 40-week, video-based discipleship small group curriculum takes the approach that the reason so many men aren’t living an authentic faith is because they haven’t embraced the call to real discipleship. It asks the questions: what if our churches took the call to disciple men seriously? What if men were both challenged and equipped to pursue God relentlessly? What if men were given a plan that leveraged the energy of large events to empower small group discipleship? Using examples of eight real men in the Bible, both good and bad, this curriculum is sure to encourage all the men in your small group.
by Vince Miller
Miller has been writing content for men for years now. Being mentored by his godly grandfather helped him become who he is today. This curriculum will lead men to live “by rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, loving unconditionally, living with integrity, serving humbly, and investing eternally.” Spend seven weeks with a Bible, a pen, and videos. The website also offers many other available series.
by Jeff Voth
University of Oral Roberts alumni, Voth has devoted his ministry to men. The Foundations is part of his “Cavetime” material, which addresses men who want to thrive in this life. This series will equip men with the needed disciplines of a godly character. This seven-video series worth watching, discussing, and living out.
by Dennis Rainey
Study what Biblical manhood looks like and what it means to be a godly man in modern times through this 10-week video-based series. With special appearances from Tony Dungy, Bill Bennett and Matt Chandler, it mixes humor, inspiring stories, and in-depth teaching in a very balanced format.
by Every Man Ministries
This series will prepare new and experienced men’s group leaders to be even more efficient in their ministry. It aims the millennial generation of men “to be dangerous with goodness like Jesus,” and to take on a different meaning of masculinity that portrays Jesus.
General Bible Studies
This section will focus on general small group Bible study curriculum. The chosen few of this list come from renowned Bible scholars or pastors.
by John MacArthur
MacArthur preaches the word of God in its entirety from an expository approach throughout these 13 lessons, which his church uses to engage newcomers and believers alike. This one isn’t a systematic theology course, but you can expect believers to be rooted in the Christian experience and have their first taste of discipleship.
by Henry T. Blackaby
This includes a workbook (sold separately) with 12 lessons, this series will grow disciples to know God intimately and follow His guidance, by faith. The book has been such a blessing to so many individuals that it’s almost impossible to not be one in a group setting!
by Louie Giglio
Everyone has heard of Psalm 23, even non-Christians! “In six sessions, you’ll discover God’s plans to experience rest, hope, and freedom in Christ.” Giglio’s style goes very well with video format and for sure, it will stir up some conversations in your small group.
by Dr. David Jeremiah
Romans is the Bible’s most evident theological statement. In this 12-course study by one of the most respected Bible scholars, participants will “take a look at this letter that outlines in clear terms the central truths and doctrines of the Christian faith.” This is a great study for both new and not-so-new Christians.
by David Platt
Dr. David Platt looks at Jesus’ words “Follow Me” and what He means. He shows it’s not an invitation to pray but rather a command to lose our lives. Platt challenges cultural Christianity and gives us a fresh introduction to Jesus and His simplest request: “Follow Me.” This study features six group sessions and six weeks of Bible study.
by Priscilla Shirer
Using the example of Elijah calling down fire on Mount Carmel, Shirer helps us to understand the value of seasons of growth and testing in your spiritual maturity. In seven sessions, your small group will be encouraged to wait on God’s good work and learn to trust in the faithfulness of God.
by Charles F. Stanley
This series by one of the most beloved pastors in America is perfect for a long-term group. 30 lessons, 30 chapters, 30 meetings! The principles are meant to be lived it in your daily life. It will increase accountability in attendees and force everyone to be who they are meant to be.
by Angie Smith
This study ties the characters, places, and the Biblical promises into the greater story of Scripture. This book will allow your small group to gain a deeper understanding of the layout, meaning and big picture of God’s Word.
by Derek Prince
The title suggests it is for personal use, and you are right to believe so. Yet, it is very doable in a small group gathering for 14 weeks as it does “answers to your questions about prayer, sin, healing, prosperity, and more.”
by Rick Warren
God longs for you to discover the life He uniquely created you. This book is a best seller on every list. Though not a Bible specific study, it encourages discipleship and community. Through relatable writing, Pastor Rick Warren will challenge attendees to live a purpose driven life. The book also includes links to 3-minute video introductions and a 30-minute audio Bible study message for each chapter.
by Priscilla Shirer
Christians of all ages, wherever they stand on the spiritual warfare belief spectrum, have studied Ephesians 6. Shirer declares that “a devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny.” This 7-week series is based on her approximately 40-minute teachings. You can add a study guide also.
by David Platt
The D.C. pastor, David Platt, wrote this 6-week discipleship series to encourage his congregation. The participants in this small group will be challenged to be honest with themselves if they are truly following Jesus or living the American dream with a life of material wealth and comfort.
by FrancisChan
Chan wrote this curriculum with a small group in mind. That is probably why the question are so well thought that your group will seriously engage in discussion about God! It looks at the Trinity, the nature of God and foundational truths. The beauty of this program is all the extra resources it offers besides the videos: flyers for promotional use, video clips, sermon outlines and much more.
Sources for Ongoing Curriculum
This last section will include ten websites that offer hundreds, if not thousands of different resources, including series for co-ed, women, men, couples, parenting groups and more. Some will have online fees to access their programs while others will do client-direct sales.
It boasts over 20,000 bible study videos. You can easily search what you want and need, and pricing varies on the size of your church. This website has something for everyone, even kids!
The name says it all; they’re all about small groups! This website will have many resources to help you launch your ministry, train your leaders and so much more.
This website has resources for adults, teens and kids curriculum. It’s worth checking out especially if you desire an “all-in-one” product.
Here, you will find all you need to build your small group ministry, from series to training to ideas. Affiliated with Christianity Today, this site is easy to use and find what you want. The pricing is very reasonable ($100/year).
The name says it all: it is a network. You’ll find resources, such as podcasts, tips, courses, and series. You’ll be able to connect yourself to a cohort of leaders and grow in your ministry.
Here’s what they advocate: “This website is a leadership resource developed with you, the group leader, in mind. We know that leading a group can be challenging, so we created this website to help.” But it doesn’t stop there. The site offers series, training and so much more.
This website is more than just small groups. If offers many things, just as the site states “your church covers a lot of ground. That’s why Lifeway provides the world’s leading selection of ministry resources.”
This one is powered by Lifeway, with some specific resources, at a very reasonable price ($400/year) for an all access for each group leader. You will find series from Tony Evans, David Platt, Lisa Harper, John Piper, and dozens more.
This website may not have the same number of resources, but their aesthetics are phenomenal as well as the content of the few products they display.
If you found out that a website provides more than 15,000 different resources, wouldn’t you check it out? Search this website and you’re sure to find what you need, whether its book or video-based, study guides, downloads and more.
There you have it; 50 essential small groups resources for your ministry.