I think we can all agree that the creator of the knock knock joke should receive a Nobel prize. Yes indeed, that was a dad joke! Ah yes, that wonderful day of days is almost here. That day where dads are honored and dad jokes are laughed at (albeit, it may be more patronizing than sincere), is quickly approaching. In light of this, I wanted to lighten the mood and share some of our favorite dad jokes with you, and then share our top 10 Father’s Day sermon ideas that are sure to give you that “aha!” moment in your own sermon prep. Without further ado, here are some dad jokes that are sure to get you laughing:
Top 10 Dad Jokes
- Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up on its own? It was two tired.
- When is a door not a door? When it’s ajar.
- Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Because then it would be a foot.
- What do you call a thousand rabbits walking backwards? A receding hairline.
- What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta.
- Want to hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it’s tearable.
- How does a penguin build a house? Igloos it together.
- Why do you never see elephants hiding in trees? Because they’re so good at it.
- What do you call a man with no body and no nose? Nobody nose.
- What did the daddy spider say to the baby spider? You spend too much time on the web.
Dad jokes never get old. As fun as that was, the time is coming where we need to focus on our sermon prep for Father’s Day. You may be ready to preach your sermon, or you may be looking for that right direction to take your message. If that’s the case then we wanted to pull together our top Father’s Day sermons for you to review, study, and gain insight and direction. This is a great collection of sermons focusing on parenting, decisions, warnings, leadership, legacy, and more. I hope these sermons inspire and encourage you as you prepare to preach on Father’s Day.
Top 10 Father’s Day Sermon Ideas
1. A Happy Father’s Day by Jerry Vines
This morning I’m looking at what I call the ”Happy Father’s Day Psalm.” If you want to be a happy father and if you want to have a happy Father’s Day, the first thing this Psalm points out to us is that you have to give attention to your faith.
2. Remaking Your Home into a Church by Scott Maze
Too many homes are spiritually and biblically skinny. We need more ”spiritually fat” homes – we need more meat on the bones! God has designed the home as the place to pass the baton of faith on to the next generation. Our goal is that our church would not turn out people who are shallow in their faith but strong and vibrant for years to come.
3. [Father’s Day] – As for Me and My House by SermonSearch Staff
So number one – never lose your passion and zeal for the Lord. If you feel like you’ve lost it, or if you feel like you’ve never had it, then pray. Ask God to impassion your heart with a desire to know Him and make Him known. And in a way, that is exactly what Joshua is calling the Israelites to do in our passage today. And it is a question that we need to ask ourselves.
4. When Fathers Go Wrong: A Father’s Day Message by Stan Coffey
Absalom had more potential as a young person than any of his contemporaries. He could have been king himself. He had wealth, position, training and personality. He could have been a great king, but he was a miserable failure because he squandered the gifts and abilities that God gave to him. Many young people are doing that today. They have opportunity, talent, personality, but instead of using it for the glory of God they are wasting it upon the world, the flesh, and the devil.
5. The Kind of Dad Your Child Needs and Wants by Fred Lowery
So this is a very interesting passage because Paul in describing his ministry to the Thessalonians, he compares his actions and his attitudes to that of a parent. A mom and a dad, the kinds of attitudes and actions a mom and dad should have toward their children.
6. Father’s: A Reflection of Glory by Robert Dawson
One of the great needs of our day is for men to be more than just mere men but men of God. One of the great needs of our wives and children is for men to stand up and be the husband and father our families desperately deserve and desire.
7. The Legacy of a Godly Father by Jim Perdue
Almost any man can father a child, but it takes a real man to be a dad. I know some men who have no children of their own but they are more of a father than others who have many children. Being a dad is not about genetics as much as it is about relationships.
8. Father’s Day Memories with Jephthah by Donald Cantrell
In this sermon we are going to look at one of the most odd scenarios to be found anywhere in the bible. The story revolves around a man by the name of Jephthah and his strange vow. Jephthah was one of the Judges of Judah and the bible portrays him to be a very valiant man. The name ”Jephthah” means ”whom or what God sets free”. This is definitely one that lives up to his name.
9. Cinderella Man by Kerry Shook
Most men have a lot friendships, but no deep friendships. Really, they have a lot of acquaintances, but they have no real, deep friendships. It’s because we guys know that we are in a fight and we are out there with the gloves on and we keep the gloves up because we’ve got to be careful because if we let our gloves down we get hit.
10. Methuselah’s Father by Jerry Vines
In Philippians 1, verse 21, the apostle Paul said, For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Be honest about it. What would you say right there. For me to live is… What would it be to you? If you put anything there instead of Jesus Christ, you cannot say to die is gain. You have to say that to die is lost. Put Jesus in the center of your life.