I just read a great article by Steven J. Lawson in Expositor Magazine called, “Why Preach the Old Testament?” This was an eye opening article and a topic that I thought would be helpful to preachers today. I reached out to a few of our contributors and asked them for the top three reasons why they preached from the Old Testament and their top three suggestions for how preachers can preach more from the Old Testament. I hope their responses encourage, challenge, and motivate you to also preach from the Old Testament.
Why do you preach from the Old Testament?
Brian Fletcher
1. “All Scripture is breathed out by God…” The apostle Paul exhorts his young church planter Timothy that he is to preach and teach from “all of the Scriptures” because they are “profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-18). Remember, the Scriptures that Paul was referring to were the Old Testament Scriptures
2. Jesus taught from the Old Testament. If the Old Testament was good enough for Jesus, then it’s good enough for you too. Read through the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7, read how Jesus taught the Pharisees about Old Testament law and the prophets in Mark 12, listen to how Jesus fights off the temptations of Satan by using Old Testament passages in Luke 4.
3. The Old Testament is about Jesus. Remember the discussion that Jesus had on the road to Emmaus after he was raised from the dead? Luke 24:27 says, “And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he [Jesus] interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. Jesus makes it crystal clear, the Bible is about Him.
Dave Gustavsen
1. It was the only Bible Jesus had.
2. All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction & training in righteousness. Therefore, when we preach the OT, it gives our people greater confidence in the unity & coherence of the Scriptures.
3. Jesus said the Hebrew Scriptures point to him (John 5:39, Luke 24:27). Therefore, when we demonstrate how an OT text points to and is fulfilled in Christ, our people will be more amazed with Jesus—which is always a good thing.
Donald Cantrell
1 – Historically Speaking – The Old Testament is flowing with historical facts and flaws of God’s people. In reading the Old Testament I can glean lots of help from the historical aspect.
2 – Symbolically Speaking – The symbolism of the Old Testament is rich a relevant for every age. I use the symbolical portraits to make the bible come alive for modern times.
3 – Prophetically Speaking – It is much easier to understand biblical prophecy if one makes themselves keenly knowledgeable of the Old Testament prophecies.
What are some ideas for Pastors to get them started on preaching from the Old Testament?
Brian Fletcher
1. Focus on understanding how Jesus is revealed in the redemptive history of the Old Testament. Read the textbook, Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chapell or read the booklet Is Jesus in the Old Testament?, by Iain Duguid
2. Focus on understanding that Jesus is the hero of the Old Testament. It’s easy to paint, David, Moses, or Abraham as Bible heroes. They are not heroes, they were murderers, adulterers and liars. Jesus is the hero of those stories because in the end they were all looking in faith for the Messiah [Jesus] to save them.
3. Focus on using the Old Testament to tell people the story of God’s redemptive, unconditional, steadfast, faithful covenant love. The Old Testament tells a beautiful story of a loving God, contrary to the popular belief that the God of the Old Testament was mean and angry. If that was God’s character then the Bible would have ended in Genesis 2. Instead, the entire Old Testament reveals a God who is “slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (see Psalm 136, Exodus 34:6 and a myriad of other passages).
Dave Gustavsen
1. “Going Somewhere”—the story of Abraham’s call and obedience (Genesis 12-25)
2. “The Pursuit of Happiness”—the book of Ecclesiastes
3. “Bitter/Sweet”—the story of Ruth
Donald Cantrell
1 – Systematic Balance – If you focus on preaching from the Old Testament you will be a preacher that has balance. I prefer the systematic studying and preaching of the bible. You can preach on subjects, characters, places, and numerous other things strictly from the Old Testament. Finding Old and New Testament balance will help you add systematic balance to your preaching and to your studies.
2 – Storied Beauty – The beauty of the Old Testament stories is beyond description to me. I intentionally try to deliver the stories vividly so my people can be captivated with the events that occurred. God has blessed us with 39 Old Testament books that are dripping with vibrant stories.
3 – Spiritual Benefits – One of the intended purposes that I use is to glean spiritual benefits for my audience. In focusing on the Old Testament I can offer my people much needed examples of defeats, victories, feats of faith and feats of failure. I focus on the Old Testament to help expand the faith of my audience.